[Under Contruction still] As you can see this thread is very very very......old. But I want to bring it back! I'm much more active then before so hopefully this RP can be revived. ALWAYS ACCEPTING [hider=Story]HR MELABOL C. It's safe to say it is the most lethal disease ever. 87% of the worlds inhabitants gone . If anyone could have predicted this realistic hell then maybe everyone I know would still be alive. }{elix...}{elix is the name that keeps popping up among other survivors I've met. they say that this private company is to blame. Whenever I ask how, the ones I hear it from simply shake there heads and move on to the next un-looted city. My mind runs circles around me whenever I hear that company's name. Everything around me couldn't possibly have been affected by one company. It just doesn't seem correct. How can one company run by one man manage to throw the entire world into anarchy. But that doesn't matter. None of it does because its all said and done. I've made it. I'm alive, for the most part, and I'm surviving. Not just by myself but with others. Mother, I wish you the safest travels if your out there reading this. I hope my trail of notes reach you before someone else does. Good luck. See you in Summervalle. -Ron [img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130409223644/apocalyptic/images/e/ee/Apocalypse-wallpaper-of-city.jpg][/hider] [hider=Rules/Info (If you don't wan't to read this don't bother making a CS ^__^)]1) No G-Modding (Duuuuur) 2) No killing other people's characters unless I say you can or you have the consent of the victim 3) I am the ALMIGHTY RULER (What I say goes) 4) Do not post in the IC unless I give the okay 5) Romance is fine just keep it classy, yeah? 6) Swearing is fine but don't drop the F-Bomb in every post 7) Faction names shall be decided between faction members, except for }{elix (Please don't fight over this -_-) 8) NPC's will be present (Not really a rule....more of a statement) 9) No auto-hitting 10) Tell me if you will be gone for a long time or you risk your character's death. 11) Put the person's name who left the note in the story in *Other* (If you don't want to read it just look at the bottom of the note) To keep the RP interesting I will create random events that will effect Factions negatively or positively (ex. A random act of god or a HUGE Horde approaching a faction). [/hider] [hider=Factions][center]}{elix (History TBR) Leader- Micha Right Hand man/woman- Head of Security- Member- Member- (Name and History TBR) Faction 1 Leader- Second in command- Alex Williams Member- Ellie Williams Member- (Name and History TBR) Faction 2 Leader- Second in command- John Member- Member- Lone Wolves (No Affliction) *Note that you will receive harsher punishments but higher chances for grace* -James Hunter -[/center][/hider] [hider=Bestiary] (May be in your best interest to take a look at this)][center][img=http://example.com/flower.jpg] [img=http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/14/146991/3665293-0437019447-zombi.jpg] HORDE A mass of shamblers Rarity: Uncommon [img=http://www.ogeeku.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/boomer_2.jpeg] BOOMER Vomits an acid like bile that is highly corrosive and deadly Rarity: Rare [img=http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2559/3879269753_1298a4d01c_z.jpg] SHAMBLER Your average infected Rarity: Common More will be added as the RP progresses.[/center][/hider] [hider=CS] Make as many as you'd like as long as you keep up with all of them or they will be subject to rule 10. Appearance (No anime pl0x)- Age- Bio (no TBR)- Personality (no TBR)- Skills (Pick 2)- History of Faction (If you're going for a leader position explain how your faction came to be)- Other- Affiliation-[/hider] [hider=Characters so Far]Nun[/hider] Disregard any CS before June 24th