[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=orangered]Caesar[/color] y [color=b8860b]Keystone[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img][/img][hr][b] [color=orangered]Location:[/color][/b] Justice Asylum [hr][hr][/center] Caesar's uneasy feeling didn't go away with the limited conversation he had been in with Agent Tinder and the SWAT guys. Tinder seemed annoyed (or impatient) and though the fine men of the Justice Special Weapons & Tactics appeared to be curious as to the nature of their late orders, Caesar didn't seem to be fully buying it. Maybe these people were pawns in the game of life-and-death chess, but he believed that, under solid instruction from a higher-up, they would very likely turn their guns upon the three of them; Keystone, Cecily, and himself. This was a well lit hallway of death. Nah. Not today. Something about the suddenly cautious mannerisms of his employer made Keystone switch to the hyperaware. Cecily was doing her thing, and as long as she was okay, so was the big lug. Of course, the massive amount of potentially unfriendly guns bothered him as well. It's not like yo could punch sharpshooters to death at this range. In a calm voice, he asked his charge a quick, [color=b8860b]"Ready to get a move on then, Miss?"[/color] It was difficult for the two Security professionals not to notice that Agent Tinder had mentioned something about coordinates being sent to his phone. He seemed adamantly set on finding out what was at said location, screaming about a hostage situation that one could only assume was a continuation of the incident. For this reason, it didn't seem strange at all that he was breaking their appointment on an official capacity. [color=orangered]"Yeah, Tinder. Sounds like you have a busy night, too."[/color] He looked the man over for a second, unsure as to the guy's motives in this situation. Something seemed off, like a chunk of his puzzle that was missing or obscured. Well, first meetings and all. [color=orangered]"I'm not sure how this works in Justice, but Miss Ashworth is needed back at the original crime scene. If you need anything, we will be making an appearance back there."[/color] Naturally, if they were leaving then Cecily had to turn over the reins. Or not, as the case may be. He never did mention how long that appearance would last, and who knows? The night might decide to get interesting when they got back that way. Caesar began continued back to Keystone and the Lady Coroner, ready to leave the scene.