Jones completely ignored Abigail and the noise coming from Carl’s mouth, focusing instead on his work. This wasn’t anything he hadn’t done before, so it was pretty easy. However, when it was almost done, his concentration was interrupted by a crashing noise. Startled, Jones looked in the direction of the sound to see that the wall was missing and that the other people we was with were all knocked out cold. Most of them had been knocked out by Carl, in fact. One might think that Jones would be worried now that all of his allies were unable to fight. Instead, he busted out laughing. “Hahahahahahaha! That was great! Ha, wow.” He took a deep breath to calm down, then turned back to the butcher and took a few seconds to finish what he had started. After that, he looked at his wife. Using the same polite tone he used earlier, Jones said “he should keep the cast on for about six weeks, ma’am. Then go see a doctor and he should be able to tell you if his arm is healed or not.” Without waiting for her to respond, he turned to address the room and said “okay, that was funny and Claire definitely deserved that, but you should all return to your homes now. When Redwell finds out about this, he’s going to be annoyed, and trust me, you do not want to be around him when that happens.”