[hr][hr][center][h1][color=00ccff]Cecily[/color] & [color=99ccff]Iris[/color][/h1][hr]Location: Justice Asylum For The Criminally Insane: the Ludwig Building [/center][hr][hr] Marc's comment elicited a bit of anger in Cecily, though she kept it from outwardly showing. She was performing a job she was hardly qualified for, despite graduating college a year early. She only had a bachelor's degree, after all, and she never took any of the courses required for coroners. But yet, she was doing her best to perform her job and stick to protocol. That was one thing, thankfully, that hadn't changed. Managing a crime scene still went the same way: secure and isolate the scene, record the scene (notes, photos, videos, sketches), search for evidence, bag and tag evidence in a bindle, and maintain a chain of custody. And while she had set the forensic techs on task at scene documentation and bagging and tagging, there were other tasks demanding her attention. She'd need to head to the administrative building to get those tapes, but she figured the FBI would probably end up seizing them for their investigation. She'd need to head to the morgue to go through the various procedures she could perform without Dr. Brinne--making notes on the state of the body, jotting down injuries, ruling the death as a homicide, and so forth. The orderlies had already been spoken with, but no other witnesses had been interviewed. The two other witnesses were busy with the kidnapping, after all. [color=00ccff]"Yes, thank you Keystone,"[/color] Cecily nodded, having warmed up to Keystone by now. Having become comfortable around Caesar, it was a shorter process for her to trust and feel comfortable around the British Hulk. [color=00ccff]"We'll need to swing by the administrative building before heading to the morgue, need to grab the security tapes,"[/color] Cecily added. She'd need to eat something as well. It was getting late and if she was going to be working all night on closing the orderly's case, she couldn't be running on fumes. [color=99ccff]"I can't release the originals, but I can make you some copies,"[/color] Iris replied to Marc, after he asked if he could keep the documents or have copies made. She took the documents back from the agent, as it was a point of protocol. Even though the FBI Agent was investigating Cynthia's case, they still needed to keep their patient records. Especially if any internal investigation was going to happen. [color=99ccff]"Give me a moment,"[/color] Iris then added, before hurrying to the nurse's station. There would be a copier nearby. [color=00ccff]"If you need a statement, I'll be at either the scene, the administrative building, or the morgue,"[/color] Cecily added to Agent Tinder. It'd be a late night and she needed to get this done, in order to get on the plane and head for Mexico the next day. But most of this was just following through protocol at this point. The detectives could take over, once she had given the orderly's death a ruling and finished with the evidence. But with the witnesses to the crime and the tapes, not much forensics were really needed. Cecily then made her way towards the scene of the murder, the original crime scene at the asylum, hoping that the forensic techs were just about done. Her stomach growled slightly in agreement. And almost just after Cecily left with Caesar and Keystone, Iris made her way back to Agent Tinder, with copies of Cynthia's file clutched in her hands. As she handed the papers over to Agent Tinder, they were still hot. [color=99ccff]"All yours."[/color]