Those that chose to follow Yui’s directives soon began travelling through the dust-laden terrain, picking up the pace in lieu of any Tyrants lurking around. This particular set of ruins definitely looked to be untouched, unnoticed, and the possibility of the rescue mission being successful grew with every minute that passed. Not a shred of miasma could be seen, and all the rumbling sounded far off, indications that, for the time being, they were free to travel as quickly as they could without worry of an unnecessary encounter. That is, of course, if their intention was to simply rescue the scavengers to begin with. Upon reaching the ruined building, human-sized tracks could be made out with ease in surrounding wasteland. Though large chunks of rubble mounded to create a concrete hill, it wouldn’t be too difficult at all for a Daybreaker to smash their way through the rubble, reopening that entrance into the Catacombs. If a quick retreat was necessary, they had access to another escape route if nothing else. More importantly, however, were the tracks that were present, faint traces of heavy boots that came, stopped, and then turned. A narrative was forming now, that of scavengers who came back, only to see their one way out sealed. With no other option, they were forced to forge on underneath the crimson illumination, leading them towards the taller buildings within this abandoned city. The tracks lead westwards, as the obsidian spikes that dotted the landscape began to increase in frequency, running through buildings. Some survived being punctured by these spikes, while others fell over, structural integrity giving way to destructive force and gravity. And soon, the Daybreakers came upon a sight that broke the monotony of travelling through the ruins. Off in the distance, below a particularly large spike, laid the body of a heavily cloaked individual, a dark crimson staining his too-short legs. Curled into a fetal position, a heavy gas mask with opaque lenses covered his face, while the large pack strapped to his pack made it obvious what his profession was. He was still, no longer moving, but perhaps he could be saved.