After listening to Siobhan’s goal, Jones smiled. While he thought she was a little crazy, perhaps it was the good kind of crazy. She seemed sincere enough, anyway, and unlike him she actually had a dream. He wondered if she just might become Pirate King after all. The doctor then grinned a grin that matched that of the potential world shatterer and clapped his hands together. “Well, Miss Grace D. Siobhan, I like you! I’ll tell you what; if you can defeat Redwell and his crew, then I, Doctor Galen X. Jones, will not only join you as your crew’s doctor, I will also be your first mate. Sound good?” Jones actually didn’t think that Siobhan would accept, but he wouldn’t know until she responded. What kind of crew has a doctor for a first mate, anyway? Even so, for whatever reason, the thought of sailing with her made him happy.