[quote=@Liotrent] Well I look forward to meeting your indirect contact, seeing as my main character has the same line of work as the spy master you have there, if there's anything Spy masters can do it's to find other spies.[/quote] Nice. But, do remember that the spymaster is made of wholly human material. The spores in her register more as a highly virulent (yet oddly dormant) infection than anything else. [quote=@Liotrent]Another question tugging on my mind is, can the perennials pick and choose who to affect and change if for example you filled a room with perennial spores and you want one individual out of say seven to be spared of changes the perennials could simply not do the change, and if not is there a chance that the individual will retain their individuality or to go a step further as to have a symbiotic relationship as host and symbiot? [/quote] Both yes and no. If you fill a room of people with spores those spores are going to get into those peoples systems. That's the no part. The yes part is that the Great Web can choose whom to activate the spores in. So just because a person is exposed to the spores doesn't mean that that person is going to become a Perennial. Spores that remain dormant are simply, and eventually, filtered out of the system without incident like any other pollen. If exposed to the spores, but the spores are not activated, there's literally no change in the person. This is part of how the spores have remained incognito for so long. It is inevitable that the spores will come into contact with people that the Great Web just doesn't want them to and so they remain as innocuous as possible in those people. Usually, a doctor would need be looking for them in order to find them if the Great Web doesn't want them to be found. Any specific type of the relationship requires the Great Web to create spores of that type. For example: Gretchen and Myriam were exposed to different strains of the Spore. The Spore is, like the Perennials themselves, not just one kind of organism. It's custom tailored to fit the need. If, for your example, the group of seven is exposed to a general purpose thrall spore (that makes basic mindless zombies) and the Great Web wants one of those people to have a symbiotic relationship that you describe, the most likely outcome is that [i]none[/i] of the spores would activate. Especially if the room in question was outside of the Great Web's control.