[@Goliah] Don't feel too bad, I want this thing to just have people posting in it. :P 6/10 I feel his vocals (which I know are the point.) Don't really work for a song like this, it's so simple lyrically. It feels like a pop song drained of all it's energy, with the typical way he sings. The chorus's kind of tricks me into thinking it's a boring song. But it's not, the guitar in the intro is good, the solo in the middle was good and the instrumental itself is fine too. I've heard better type o negative songs is my point. The whole over a minute of footsteps and a train is also pretty lazy ambience in the background that seems like it's just wasting time. (I also did the extra mile, to check the song after this on the album and it doesn't really mesh in the slightest. And apparently the song itself is a tribute to his father? Which makes it more bizarre that it seems so lazily written.) I'm unsure if I want to post songs I already know about, or more of the newer stuff that I found during my music binges. (I guess we'll go with new stuff to balance it out.) [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhvZzqOBfzM[/youtube]