[h3]Alrighty Everyone![/h3] [@Shaymin][@The One][@Polaris North][@Project][@Game Maker][@rawkhawk64][@quietkid13] I hope everyone is doing well. I've been a busy fellow IRL. We all know how that goes. I would like to remind everyone however that there is a "Stay Active" rule in place that states: [quote]"Whenever someone doesn't post to the RP for two weeks straight, I will reopen this RP to new applicants. If someone applies before the inactive member makes another post, the inactive member's character will loose his/her ring to the newcomer."[/quote] This should not be hard, as all it takes is a simple, "Hey, I'm still here!" message in the OOC section. Most everyone is posting steadily, or at least can be reached. I do however have one person that has fallen off the grid. According her profile [@Game Maker] has not been on the site in 15 days (as of the time I'm writing this message). Unfortunately, I'm going to have to enforce this rule now. Therefore the Green stone ring is now up for grabs. This makes three rings that are open to new players. The Green Stone Ring. The Red Stone Ring. And the Black Crystal Ring. For any new players that are reading this. Feel free to ask questions here in the OOC and build a character sheet for one of these rings if you would like. This does brings up a dilemma. How can the same "ring" be in two people's character sheet (the inactive user and the new user's)? This is the solution: Over time, the Ten Rings have been copied. Copies are almost always useless, but when done correctly and with enough luck, they can still wield power similar to the original. Unfortunately, these copies are very volatile. If the original ring or another copy of that ring is successfully activated, the copy will deactivate and the fake stone/crystal will shatter. Tada! Dilemma solved! So if anyone new wants to join, speak up now! There is also the possibility that I will allow an already active member to get a hold of a second ring, (If you're willing to take on that challenge). Priority will be given to new comers. [h3]Thanks![/h3]