Albert eyed the doughnut warily, as the patrol car leisurely strolled around the docks. His assigned companion, a rookie in the force was driving eagerly, his eyes full of youth and optimism. He decidedly looked naive and stupid, the things in these kind of jobs that could potentially get you killed, unless you grow out. Well, he once had been like him, so he couldn't blame it. Still the doughnut was positively awful, dripping with fat and sugar. He still didn't know why so many people liked it, and why so many coppers of the isle liked it aswell. He would have preferred some biscuits. And some tea, not that murky sewer water that people here called coffee. Still, beggars couldn't be choosers, and he carefully nibbled it and sipped, one eye always on the sideroad. Left hand driving cars were still a bit odd to him, but he was managing. He looked at the young lad, who then stopped the car in a small alley of the docks, his eyes making direct contact with Albert. "Say, Albert...can I call you Al? How is that a British guy ends up in the corp? Wouldn't it make sense to just...uh do it in your own country." Albert sighed, as he took yet another awful sip. "I knew a bloke, who knew a bloke." He simply added. "He told me you people were struggling to find officers. And I gave it a try." He added, adjusting his uniform. "I may go back, though. I miss my tea." He smirked cynically. "Uhuh, and what were you doing up until now? Chief told us you had done a lot fo stuff and you were trustworthy." That damn novice jeered, as Albert wrinkled his nose. "I would have to kill you if i told you." He added, a gallic shrug. "Well, not really. But this isn't a pub conversation, so eyes on the road, Officer." Albert dismissed, as he stared on his side. Well, a distraction right now would be welcome, but he would rather have the boring option, really.