[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4354122]Previously...[/url] As it turned out, Garfield could, in fact, give a sleeping David super senses. Phantom soared above the night time city lights. Everything he saw and heard felt magnified a thousand times, like he was on six different types of stimulants. He could [i]see[/i] the cracks in the pavement, a hundred feet below him. He could hear the couple ten blocks down, in a particularly passionate bout of make-up sex. It was weird as fucking hell. "How we doing out there, sport?" Kenny's voice came out of the walkie-talkie. It hovered next to him through the air, which was also weird. Everything was weird. "This is weird." He told her. "That's great ghost rider, but do you see anything useful?" "Not really. Well, hold on." A whirring motor sound caught his attention. He turned in the air and whooshed toward the sound. To anyone who was watching, all they'd see was a walkie-talkie floating alone through the air. That was a funny thought. He hoped that a picture of that would end up on Reddit or something. "Okay guys, I've got something. A bunch of boats are coming up on a few seaside warehouses. These guys don't look like leisure boaters, I'll tell you that much." "Sounds like our guys," Ernie said, taking control from Kenny. David snorted as he heard them struggle for a few moments, with Kenny cursing and Ernie sighing. "How much closer can you get to them? Can you get inside those warehouses?" "Gonna have to drop the walkie for that," Phantom said. "You guys know I can't make anything else invisible, right?" "Yeah, we know, Casper," Kenny reclaimed her spot as walkie-talker. "Just drop it somewhere conspicuous and get us some information on where everybody's at, okay? We're not about to move in now that we've got you to give us intel." Phantom rolled his non-existent eyes and dove. "Okay, going dark in three...two...one." And mentally switched off the walkie and set it gently down in the shadows. "Time to see what I can see. Hope they don't have any snipers."