[@thewizardguy] Comet growled as his punch missed, landing on the ground in a crouch. He growled again as she spoke of "Lack of experience", his gloved hands letting out a rubbery noise as he pulled them ever tighter. Then he gawked as the sun was blotted out and all air suddenly disappeared, a massive pillar scraping its way down the walls of the tunnel. Edward looked around for a way out, frantically shaking as the pillar approached, before he decided that now was the time to run. His lungs, incredibly powerful in order to get oxygen from the air when at his top speed, could hold for a long time, though it probably wouldn't be healthy to hold longer than ten minutes or so, his body wasn't submerged in cold water so he had no chance of making it longer than a half hour. So he ran into the nearest wall, smashing it with his fists and continuing to run. He continued punching his way through until he was fast enough that the shock wave could do it for him. He was going west... he hoped, if not he would probably end up in Isreal when he finally came out. His feet began to hurt as they hit the ground, but as he was in a vacuum, he felt no burning due to friction, meaning that he could go even faster if he wanted to. He cried out in pain as he went slightly above Mach 200, probably the highest he could go even in a vacuum. A minute and thirty seconds later, he crashed out of a plateau, air filling his lungs as he was thrown through the air by his momentum, the friction from the air burning his flesh as he flew out. He crashed to the ground, sandy and dry, the sun beating down on his burned skin. He pushed himself up, hacking and coughing as he filled his lungs for the first time in what felt like forever. He scanned the surroundings, sandy and with plateaus everywhere, surrounding the area. Far above the hole that he had left was a sign that said "Sea level". He saw a road, with a truck passing by. He approached it and read the side. "Government of California." He was in Death Valley, lowest elevation in North America. He had crossed the entire constituent United States just because of this one punk. He growled once more and sped off in the way he came. He went much slower this time, already injured from the friction, he arrived back at the location two minutes later, hoping that the epic had remained to ensure he was dead. "You missed," he japed as he slid in. He noticed the new arrival, recognizing them. "Hey Traveller!"