[quote=@Noodles] [@Aerandir] - Just one question, how does Master Swordsman and Brilliant tactician fit together? O_O Because the main job of a swordsman is to charge in the front lines and hope for the best ~ And the main job of a tactician is to spam the retreat button. They are like two completely opposite roles~ [/quote] Actually, a Swordsman who doesn't just run in and hope for the best is preferable. If he knows his enemies strengths, weaknesses, and blind points, he can go in and come back alive. Those were the swordsman who would usually become royal guards or leaders in an army, because they didn't willy nilly chop and hope it didn't kill them. EDIT: Pretty sure I have the same on Damian's CS. EDIT 2: I didn't mention it in his Strengths, because we were supposed to put strengths and weaknesses that weren't just combat applicable, but he's both tactically inclined and a master swordsman, but he's been training since he was a child.