[@Old Amsterdam][@Bluetommy] Moments before the pillar would have finished the job, another Epic appeared on the scene. A girl, with reddish blonde hair and light blue eyes. Despite their cold colouration, however, there wasn't a hint of hardness in them. Determination, perhaps, but not the icey cold born from a lifetime of death and destruction. Another Epic with a powerful ability, and no real experience in the world. It seemed that this city had been isolated for so long the inhabitants had forgotten what it meant to suffer. Despite this the girl immediately took on a hostile stance, drawing her weapon. Sighing, Guilt addressed the newcomer. "Within that hole is a figure known as Comet. He possesses the Gift of super-speed, and he was looking into my actions here. Attempting to find me. When I told him to stop, he threatened to kill me, showing off his super speed in an obvious attempt to intimidate." Her voice was guttural, almost whispered, but carried an air of cold certainty. There was no emotion in these words, other than perhaps mild irritation. "This is not your fight. Leave. I will finish him off before he can do any more harm, and then I will continue my business here. If you get involved, it will not end well for you." A second Epic might make this battle inconvenient, especially as this new Epic seemed to have abilities similar to Guilt's own. Teleportation was a powerful and versatile Gift, much harder to predict than simple superhuman speed. It was at this point that the Speedster appeared on the scene once more, albeit not from the expected direction. He had not emerged from the pit, which was now open, but had instead appeared from the city. Had he somehow managed to escape the pit before this Traveller freed him? And if so, how? Certainly he could not have..... there were layers of solid stone down there, to escape the pit into the open air would require an immense amount of force. But... was that blood on his knuckles? He looked a bit different from before, strained. Was that heavy breathing? Clearly he had exerted himself. "I see. So you escaped the pit by burrowing your way out of the side. You survived, but only because you pushed your limits. And yet you decided to return here?" Sighing, Guilt turned towards him. When would fools learn to accept their fate? Had he stayed away he could have lived for quite some time more. Even Guilt's abilities would not allow her to catch a speedster on the run. "Your escape cost you, and yet I remain untaxed. Perhaps I will simply bury you again, deeper this time. What made you think that your return would cause things to go any differently? Arrogance seals your fate." As she spoke, Guilt once more entered a combat-ready stance. Purple lightning arced out from where Guilt stood, devouring all it touched. Walls, furniture, windows, cars... all of them began vanishing with alarming rapidity. Random objects were drawn into Void either partially or whole, leaving behind nothing but empty craters. Unknown to the two who faced her these objects would reappear high in the air, beginning a long fall towards the battlefield. Projectiles. "I am done holding back, 'Comet'. If you persist, I will have to tear you to shreds."