Lancer's bio is officially in. I apologize for the delays, everyone, but I had to work two 12 hour shifts, and had several other RPs on another site to catch up on. Also, as for giving up my Master slot, I'd be happy to. I don't really have any good ideas for one anyway, and was mostly in it for the chance to use Lancer. Speaking of which, if there are any male Master characters (Yes, gender is a summoning restriction because reasons #LancerIsSexistConfirmed) who would like to summon Lancer, please PM me. It looks like the friend I was hoping would join me as a partner hasn't been on in half a week, so that's kind of fallen through. As such, I'd like somebody willing to make a few specific arrangements to join me for the sake of coordinating everything. If you're interested, I'll be looking forward to it! :D