[@Old Amsterdam][@thewizardguy] Edward bit his cheek as Traveller spoke. "Thanks, hun," he responded quietly to being called an ass yet again. He shot in front of Traveller, it was necessary that she saw his words. "Listen, I'm serious, that person is a murderer, they murder criminals, hell, even normal people who bent the law just a little, when we first met they threatened both me and an agent of the High Venom, they threatened to kill me before we even spoke," he said frantically, his teeth bared and his eyes narrowed. "This person is dangerous, we have to stop her now!" Without another word or a telegraph, Edward took off at supersonic speeds, faster than the human mind can react, he leapt into the air and dove feet-first towards Guilt, not caring about how wounded they were after this, it was preferable for them to live, but if they died, Edward knew it was necessary.