[@Old Amsterdam][@Bluetommy] Once again, twice in short succession, Guilt found herself threatened by a force greater than herself. Not one of the High this time, but rather a large portion of this city's heroes. Based on the way this deaf girl spoke this was not the first time she had done this. Perhaps she was well-connected in this city. Although Guilt was confident she could handle most of this city's heroes in single combat, she didn't favour her odds taking on all of them at once. Gritting her teeth, she realised that once more superior force would force her to retreat, to allow Comet to get away. At this point it was not the idea of Comet surviving that bothered her, but the idea of once more being cowed into obedience by a more powerful opponent. Of being powerless, once again, despite her abilities. But the Comet would not have it. Apparently his kryptonite was diplomacy, because he refused to accept it's presence. After a brief 'explanation' to his friend he shot forward, once more attempting to end Guilt. The speed and power behind these attacks was obvious, they were intended to be lethal. A human would have been done for before they could even think, but Guilt was practically designed for fighting like this. She refused to be caught off-guard. Moving far faster than a normal human's her mind followed his movements, felt the movement of the air, calculated his path. Faster than sound, but not faster than light. She could still see him. And, after all of this, Guilt was tired of holding back her true combat potential. In the instant that Comet collided with Guilt, he was momentarily enveloped in purple energy. Then, he was simply gone. Vanished, as if he had never even been there. There was a slight pop, as the displaced air filled the newly emptied space. Unknowingly Comet had broken within Guilt's 5cm limit, and exposed himself to the full extent of her power. He had been drawn entirely into Void, a realm without time from within which he could not escape. Here, he was completely within Guilt's power. Looking over at the deaf girl, the one who called themselves Traveller, Guilt considered how to proceed. No doubt Comet and this Traveller were acquainted, which would lead to trouble. Worse yet was the little communication problem they were having. As much as she might want to, it was impossible for Guilt to take off her mask. Without it, she would soon die. Sighing, Guilt glanced upwards, her powers grabbing the falling objects out of the sky even as they began to hit terminal velocity. Then she had a nearby car door appear in her hands, using her powers to engrave letters into it. The object vanished, reappearing in front of Traveller. Without the ability to speak to one another, they would need to communicate in such an old-fashioned manner. The car door read 'Comet lives. He tried to kill me. Death is the logical punishment. He is within my power. Do you claim, in truth, that he should not be killed, even in self defense?' Guilt stood passively, waiting for this girl's answer. She would not be cowed again, even by such a threat. If this woman wished for a large-scale battle, then she would receive a battle to remember. However, Guilt also had aspirations to be a hero. And she knew that, at least hypothetically, heroes were supposed to show mercy. As such, she would allow this woman to plead for Comet's life. A diplomatic solution, if ever there was one.