[@t2wave] [h2] [color=magenta]Cole Morningstar[/color] [/h2] Interacting with: Estella [hr] Cole tilted his head as she moved. She had seem disappointed? Or perhaps frusterated. Either way he felt almost bad for creating a problem for her. After all she was certainly unique. He watched as she rustled about in her bag and pulled out a thin pad. Cole straightens and raised a brow. She seemed more frusterated with the technology then she did with not being able to communicate normally with him. He watched her type and show him what she had written. He focused on the name and seemed to silently mouth it for a few seconds before giving a small smile. [color=magenta]"Esuterura Kuinu. What an elegant name miss kuinu"[/color] Cole looked down to read the rest and his posture seemed to go rigid for a moment his jaw clenching before unclenching. He regained his composure and nodded. [color=magenta]"I do but it reminds me of someone whom I hate to my core. And usually saying it results in a lot of unpleasantries. I would rather not have that occur at the moment if you don't mind Miss Kuinu"[/color] a glance in those grey eyes would confirm he was telling the truth. Showing how much like his father he actually is in the fact that he considers lying to be beneath him.