[@Old Amsterdam][@Bluetommy] The girl, at least, was courteous. A welcome difference from her previous opponent's brash attitude. Guilt refused the offer to sit, preferring to always be at the ready. Although she doubted this woman planned to kill her, she hadn't lived this long by taking chances. So she heard the deaf girl out, considering her options. Could that fool really be a 'hero'? The kind of person who saved others? From what Guilt had seen he had been but a violent moron, attacking people with little to no provocation. He had no sense of duty, no sense of honour, as far as she could tell. But this Traveller was more intelligent, and seemed willing to vouch for him. And at this point releasing the man would save a considerable amount of trouble. With a slight grunt Guilt waved her hand, causing Edward to reappear about 5 meters away, upside down. From his perspective no time would have passed, as from one moment to the next the world turned upside down and his target was replaced with a brick wall. He had been released from Void, in one piece. Turning to Comet, Guilt spoke. "Your life has been spared, for now. Because another judged you worth saving. Do not attack me again, and we will not have to repeat this. I am not known for kindness, nor mercy, and I can only make so many exceptions." Not giving Edward a chance to attack her again, she vanished, moving from rooftop to rooftop. This business had been unfortunate, and it's ending had not been quite as satisfying as she had hoped it would be. But this had been the right choice to make. And the knowledge that she had done the right thing would tide her over to the next day. Meanwhile, she'd have to find something else to keep her occupied until the night came to an end. Or maybe she'd have a nap... Even she could not survive without sleep indefinitely.