[@Old Amsterdam] To Edward it was like he had fallen asleep just as he connected with the kick, and he awoke suddenly falling to the ground in a heap. He sat up as the epic again threatened him before leaving. "Wow, what an asshole," he sighed hypocritically. He looked over at Alex crossing his arms and sighing as she stated, perhaps truthfully that he wouldn't be saved the next time they met. "Everything eh?" he answered. Another sigh, and finally he stood, his skin beet-red from his burns. "Fine, but we're going to have to go pretty far back... "...It all started in a small town in Wales, two kids, one Edward Iwan, yours truly, and Nudd Richards. We were kids, spent our time breaking windows or whatever, anyway, this guy turned into a freak, murdered my romantic partner and almost killed me. He came to Epic City earlier this week, today I fought him twice, first he beat me, the second time I met the High Venom," he said, suddenly seated in a chair. "She gave me this weird guy to help... Shatter I think his name was. Anyway, we had him beat, then they showed up, the asshole in the mask," he scowled as he spoke of their new friend. "Knocked me into a wall, threatened to kill us. I ran by, killed Nudd and let Shatter do the rest of the talking, they threatened to kill the both of us again and then teleported away," he furrowed his brows. "Obviously I don't want to let someone who threatens to kill so easily walk free, so I went looking, found out about a 'masked vigilante'," he said, making air-quotes with his fingers. Edward grimaced as he recalled the first time he heard about the vigilante. "Murdering criminals, murderers, arsonists, thieves, whoever, and not just murdering them, mutilating them. Like their bodies had been put through a wood-chipper. She approached me in this alley, I got mad, she did the pillar thing, and you know the rest," he finished with a long exhale, closing his eyes and interlocking his hands in front of his mouth. "They can create vacuums, teleport, and do whatever the hell they just did to me. Though that mask may be a weakness, if only we could hit them," he informed Alex, still not sure about the mystery man's gender. "Also they somehow knew my name without me telling them once, weird," he said, bewildered, forgetting the fact that his name was plastered across his back in bold lettering. He did that often, improved brain processing meant you ran out of space real quick. "We need to figure out their weakness and take them down," he stated, determination in his eyes. "But first I need a new pair of goggles... and a hairtie." Both had been lost somewhere in Nevada... or maybe Illinois, he wasn't exactly sure.