"What will you need it for?" Ghent knew his constant questioning was not approved of. By asking, he risked angering the Wonderlanders, but he didn't care. Leaving the pistol didn't feel right, especially after he saw how desperate Miles was to reach the portal. "You're not going to shoot anyone, are you?" The combination of desperation and insanity often lead to disaster. Miles dropped the lighter into his pocket, shooting Ghent a dark look. "You're worse than my mother. Quit nagging," he snapped, half visible through the cloud of smoke engulfing the vehicle. "I'm not [i]stupid[/i]. Just do as your told!" The harshness of the words felt like a slap to the face. Ghent drew a foot back to kick Miles' seat, but he thought better of it and kicked at a bottle instead, growling in frustration. After Elayra retrieved her bag, he exited the wagon, shot Miles a glare, and placed the weapon on the floor among the empty beer cans and cigarette remnants. Like the paranoid skeptic he was, Miles checked that no tricks had been pulled. "I'll be there," he answered Elayra, turning to face the road in his preparation to leave. "Don't be late." Ghent regrouped with Elayra as the the vehicle crept away. The older of the two cleared his throat, irritated that Miles couldn't have waited for them to leave [i]before[/i] turning into a chimney. [i]Jerk.[/i] "Surprised he can see the road through that mess." From the looks of it, Elayra was glad to escape the smoke too. With one hand gripping the strap of his backpack, Ghent observed her in silence. So caught up with his discovery of magic and the run-in with Miles, he'd nearly forgotten Elayra was hurt. The hiss of pain was a reminder of that. "Hey, um..." Brows furrowed, his eyes were focused on Elayra's shoulder as if he could see the injury through the fabric. Ghent knew she didn't want his sympathy, but he still sympathized with her. From what he could tell, Drust was the only guardian she had. The entire situation was terribly unfair, and Ghent came out ahead. For that, he felt guilty. "Shop's this way," he finished, changing his mind at the last minute. Asking to carry Elayra's bag again was asking for trouble. Asking if she was alright would probably evoke a defensive -- and possibly angered -- reaction. Rather than address the obvious, Ghent lead the way, confident that Elayra would follow. The plan (or lack thereof) was disturbing, but he didn't voice his concerns. It was the only plan they had and there wasn't time to conjure a better one. The awnings were spaced out, offering shelter in between buildings. Many shops remained closed, most without the promise of opening again. The rain never ceased, but Ghent wasn't paying attention to the weather. His doubts and fears consumed his thought process. Even with the promise of magic, he doubted he was skilled enough to take down a single shadowmire. Disturbed by the thought, Ghent gripped the strap of his backpack tighter, the same hand he'd miscast a spell with. Amazingly enough, he remained quiet until they were about a block away from the boutique. "So...you've broken into stores before?" Ghent decided her earlier statement was a safe topic. One where he might learn a little about Elayra and Wonderland at the same time.