[hr][hr][center][h2][b][i][color=b8860b]Keystone[/color][/i][/b][/h2][/center] [b][center][color=b8860b]Location:[/color] Crossed Swords Inn & Tavern [/center][/b][b][center][color=b8860b]Interacting With:[/color] The Group[/center][/b][hr][hr] [color=b8860b]"Yeah, yeah. I 'eard ya on shit needs doin'..."[/color] grumbled Keystone, disappearing into the kitchen after Kyra and Sana finished their brief conversation that basically ended with him being given an unsubtle verbal kick in the pants to hurry up so they could all talk business. It wasn't a big deal for him; quite the opposite, in fact. This was a struggle against the Undead, including a couple of types he hadn't been exposed to previously. If it came to it, deep down he was probably the most serious of their group about this endeavor. Not in the commanding manner of Kyra, certainly. That role in the group was filled. The big man could take or leave the concept of leadership. No, his usual role was the one he accepted with this group, the Muscle. His training aside, including his ability to roast the perfect larded pork haunch (complete with Fatty Endpiece), his worth came in his ability to put serious hurt on people and/or things, living or dead, armed or unarmed, human or otherwise. When it came down to it, that was really the lion's share of what he brought to the table. The ability to fight and more experience at it than most veterans or duelists many years his senior, particularly against the Undead. But back to his skill set: He was being called upon to use it quickly and simply in his role as a culinarian, then move upstairs for frank and earnest discussion about how to best go about laying hurt upon their enemies. Keystone was very okay with this. So breakfast plans would have to change from Shire Pudding and Cabbages to something much simpler that took a fraction of the time. He summoned his obscure martial prowess to assist in the speed and coordination of his meal preparation, glad that no uninitiated eyes bore witness to the spiffiness with which he seamlessly melded his flawless body conditioning and his capacity to prepare simple food miraculously well. A brief matter of a few minutes had Keystone emerging with a series of toasted bread bowls filled with scrambled eggs and crumbled cheese sprinkled atop them. It was a simple matter of cutting a smallish loaf in half and manually digging out much of the interior while a heap of partially beaten eggs firmed up over moderate heat. A little salt and he was done. It wasn't everything he wanted to accomplish, but Kyra was right. Their timetable for this was finite, as was their lifespan. Keystone had no desire to see either of them run out. Anyone who was left at the table got a Bowl O' Eggs, but there was more than enough of everyone who expressed even a passing interest in a proper breakfast. The man himself picked up one of the simple but heavenly creations and began to consume it as quickly as the heat of the eggs would allow. [color=b8860b]"Eat up, then. Save a couple for the ladyfolk, if ya would. We gots an appointment what needs bein' kept."[/color]