Avery woke up when Mrs. Noonan woke her up and her eyes a bit trying to wake a up a bit and thank fully th news was talking about other stuff and not about her father's escape anymore. "Sorry guess I am really tired my bdy must be really relaxed and not runnign on adrenaline anymore." She said and looked at Roland and saw he was pale as a ghost. "Roland are you ok?" She asked him. Her father was on the run growling for he was furious now. Avery once I find you i will send you to hell that is a promise." He said to as he kept running he killed somoene in a car and took the car leaving the dead body on the road as he drove off on the hunt. Avery after a bit finally left to go to Rolands old room to go lay down for her body was just to drained for everything and just wanted to sleep the rest of the day away for she felt like she could sleep for 24 hours but she did wondered what was wrong with Roland for he loked so scared about soething but he looked like he did not want to tell her at all. She wen to th room and loooked at it and thought it as the nicest room around for all she was was a matreess broken furniture and an old blanket when she lived with her dad. It was nice to be in a real room. She thanks Mrs. Noonan for everythignand sat on the bed looking at her feet a bit before laying down again and slowly falling a sleep not knwing what will happen tomorrow or if she is willing to go to school at all due to the fast she had no real clothes just the scrubs the hospital gave her and all her supplies were still back at the old house. Cops and sanitation crew was working in the house to clean it up and collect things that might belonged to Avery and also some were there just to see if her father would go back to the house.