[center][hr][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170627/69f8cdbc6bcdc39c4bf8f48a8cbb2b79.png[/img][hr] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/7a7f1ddbc4026793cad862bc118a0bd9af7d2a53/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f793835706b626a4a5958344534673d3d2d3431333431333131342e313462663836666431353066626238663332373331303937313732312e676966?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280[/img] [color=8b8b8b][b][u]Location;;[/u][/b][/color] Her flat [color=8b8b8b][b][u]Interacting With;;[/u][/b][/color] Her mother via phone call ► A reporter[/center][hr][hr]It's been at least a week and a half since the brutal storm occurred within the town of Brighton. Many people, even the reporters and meteorologists, were still talking about what had transpired that day and honestly, Savannah was sick and tired of hearing about it. She walked over towards the window of her flat and opened up the curtain, only to see that it was still raining and reporters were still out there, interviewing anyone that was willing to speak with them or just to get a scoop on how everyone felt. Savannah had let out a soft sigh and rolled her eyes as she heard her phone chime, signaling that it was a notification from the university she attended in Brighton. Classes were cancelled for the remainder of the week and she honestly felt a bit relieved because it gave her time to clean up around her flat and go grocery shopping. Once she sat her phone down on her dining table, it started to ring and before she fully walked away, her eyes peered towards the device and saw that the screen read Madre with at least three hearts to follow the Spanish word for mom or mother. Answering the phone, Savannah didn't even have the chance to say the words hello, hey or hi before her mother went on a word rampage with her. Her mother was very concerned about Savannah after hearing the news about the storm and even offered for her to come home immediately. Savannah declined, of course, not wanting to leave her life within Brighton behind quite yet. [color=8b8b8b][b]"Mother, mother! Please. This is like the thousandth time you've called within two days."[/b][/color] She exaggerated as her mother seized talking for a moment, only to allow Savannah to finally get some words in. [color=8b8b8b][b]"I am fine. We're all fine here in Brighton, okay? If something comes up, I'll let you know, mother. You don't need to worry so much."[/b][/color] Savannah said as her mother spoke the words okay and that she loved Savannah. [color=8b8b8b][b]"Love you, too. Bye."[/b][/color] With that, she hung her phone up and sat it back down on the dining table then went and got dressed so that she can make a grocery run. As she grabbed her phone and keys, she walked out of her flat and made sure the door was locked before she continued her trek towards the doors that lead towards the outside. She stood at the doors for a moment and it seemed as if the reporters were just waiting for her to come out so they can ram themselves towards her and bombard her with multiple questions about the storm. Savannah buttoned up her jacket and placed her hood upon her head then let out a soft sigh before she went out into the light rain weather that was falling onto the ground. Just as she suspected, the reporters came at her with a multitude of questions as she managed to not answer any of them but one question made her stop in her tracks and turn heel to face the female reporter that asked that question. [color=8b8b8b][b]"What was that question you had asked again?"[/b][/color] Savannah asked the reporter, who had put the tape recorder up to her own mouth and asked the question again. [b]"Do you have any thoughts the people that are missing? Or any idea how many?"[/b] The reporter then placed the tape recorder out towards Savannah, who seemed to be frozen as he mouth was parted open slightly. [color=8b8b8b][b]"M..Missing? W..Wh..What do you mean by missing?"[/b][/color] She stammered as she ran past the reporters and went back inside, removing her hood from the top of her head. Savannah honestly had no idea that people were missing and if people were truly missing, where are they? Where could they have gone? She went back towards her flat and leaned her back against the door, her heart racing and her breath a little bit heavy. A knock came upon her door that caused her to jump slightly and let out a light shriek. She opened the door as it revealed a male behind it and she eyed him as he started to speak. [b]"Hey there, sorry to bother you but me and some friends are having a Survivor of the Storm party alongside seaside tonight and we're inviting everyone within The Lights region to attend."[/b] The male said as he handed Savannah a flyer. [b]"Well, hope to see you there and have a good evening."[/b] The male waved at Savannah, who somewhat smiled at the male, as he walked down the hall and went to the next door. Savannah closed her door and looked down at the flyer before setting it down on the counter. She still couldn't believe that people were missing and wondered who else knew about the missing people. It was strange to her, honestly and now she was wondering, was any people that she knew missing? Were her any of her friends missing, too? With a sigh, she walked over towards her living area and sat down upon her couch, sending a text to her mother that people are actually missing after the storm. All she had to do now was wait for her mother to call her with another worried tone phone conversation and offer for her to come home once again. She honestly had no idea how to feel right about now.