[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8e7YnMHNU8][u]I N T O T H E F R A Y[/u][/url] This was not what Phantom had expected. He'd made it into the first warehouse when his extra-powerful senses picked up the squad car. And then the explosion. "Fuck," he hissed, shooting out of the warehouse to look at the carnage. The car had been bombed to high hell, and the Kryptonite who had blasted it was moving closer to take out survivors. David had a very small window to act. One of the people in the squad car was fighting back. That could buy David enough time... He lunged over to the walkie-talkie. "Kenny! Get the FUCK in here now! Bring everything you've got! There's police involved. Kryptonites have grenades. We can kiss our plans goodbye." He dropped the walkie, ignoring the woman's squawking disapproval. They didn't have time to argue about this. He leapt into the air, growing to twice his normal size and howling. A rattling shriek echoed over the waterfront, drawing all eyes to the hovering, body-less nightmare that was his body. Shots rang out into the sky, whizzing through him without so much as a drop in speed. Not for the first time, Phantom thanked his lucky stars that he didn't have to worry about getting shot. It was easy to be a bullet sink when they all went right through him. He laughed maniacally, delighted at the confusion on their faces. He felt obscenely chaos-powered as he dove, sweeping through the enemy with free-spirited abandon. "YOU SHALL PERISH TONIGHT, VERMIN." His voice boomed out from the inky blackness of his hood. He watched as one Kryptonite pointed a gun at his face, hands shaking. "ACCEPT THE BECKONING OF THE NEXT LIFE." He punched the guy flat out with his telekinetic might. The force of the blow surprised him. He hadn't rea;;y thought about it: he'd just wanted to punch the guy. Maybe instinct had some merit to it. He'd talk to Kenny about it later. Lightning exploded across the sudden war-zone, frying a Kryptonite with a horrific sizzle. Ernie had arrived. He jumped down from a warehouse roof, wearing something...well, it looked like something out of that old Edge of Tomorrow movie with Tom Cruise. It was some kind of scrappy-looking exoskeleton, but it only covered his bottom half. The man bent his legs and jumped, and the whining mechanical device launched him twenty feet to one side. Damn, that was what Hannah had made? What was she, Tony Stark? A bullet flashed through him, hitting a Kryptofucker right in the eye. David lurched around to see Maria, who boasted what looked like some kind of stabilizing robot on the end of an old-looking rifle. She waved at him when he saw her, then she disappeared to another location. Kenny popped out from behind the same corner, bounding forward with practiced ease until her set of armor sprung her into the air. She twisted as she fell, dropping four black magazines. Then four rifles exploded into life around her, one on each appendage. The clicked empty as she hit the ground, and David watched in awe as she loaded all four guns with the magazines she had dropped previously. None of this should have been possible. Where the fuck did they get guns? They didn't even look like real guns, more like piles of scrap that had been welded together. Had Hannah made the guns too? Jesus fuckin' Christ. Phantom realized that his senses had diminished a great deal. He guessed that Garfield was splitting his powers to the rest of them, boosting all their senses by a little. Vince was there with the rest of them, dodging bullets without a suit, and punching the Kryppies with nothing but brass knuckles. But they weren't an army. Eventually they were going to be overrun. The other team, the Kryptonites: they had real guns. Heavy ordinance. Grenade launchers. That wasn't good. David willed himself to grow again. Phantom loomed high above the rest of them, his shoulders as tall as the warehouses around him. He eyed a shipping container near his foot, and kicked at it. Nothing happened. "Fuck," he hissed. He tried again, this time only thinking about how he wanted to flatten the bastard pointing an RPG at him. This time, the entire shipping container [i]WHOOSHED[/i] into the air, tumbling end over end toward the man. The Kryptonite lowered the weapon in shock, just in time to get smashed by the container. Both man and metal bounced into the water, where they sank slowly. Damn, he'd done that? "FUCK YEAH!" he heard Kenny shout. "That's my fuckin' boy right there!"