[center][hider=Greedy Rich Person][b][color=FFD700]"Oh, did you think it was going to be one of those "ojou-sama"s you've been hearing about? Too bad. It's a spoiled rich boy this time, me!"[/color][/b] Name: Edward Scawthorn Age: Claims he is 21. Gender: Male [img]http://i.imgur.com/HQiDuUu.jpg[/img] Personality: Despite a noble air coming off of the young man of the House of Scawthorn, he is… in a way… a “big jerk”. A cocky, overconfident attitude would be the first thing you thing right after he starts talking down a beggar, kicking a kid’s sandcastle and refusing to help others in need if it doesn’t benefit him all too much. He believes he is the strongest mage with the Mystic Code he has and the magecraft he possesses, believing that all others who use strategy is cowardly and weak. He is quite the spoiled egg, blindly wasting his money on things he sees as value. Which is almost everything. Greedy little bastard isn't he? While he may sound like a guy who’s all talk and no bite. This isn’t entirely true, he was trained in using swords and lances as well as riding horses. Making him a formidable enemy on the field against other magic-dependant Masters who just stay back and shoot. He will use every single ounce of prana if he has to. He isn’t very smart nor is he clever. He feels that showing strength in both physical and magical ways is the true way of calling yourself: The Best Mage ever. Skills: Edward had mastered the use of European Swords, Lances and the art of riding horses. All to show off in battle or just awe everyone who wishes to be just like him. Abilities: Born from a short line of top graduate mages from the Clock Tower in England. Edward has more than enough Prana to cast and not be worried about wasting it if he went head-to-head. The quality of circuits is top-notch and in top condition, rarely getting the chance of failure. Despite his noble heritage, he does not wish to learn any other magecraft other than Reinforcement, Projection/Materialization and Healing as it helps his "fighting style" Brief Backstory: The Scawthorne Magus Family is nothing more than a second generation mage family that’s relatively new to the game of Magecraft. Edward’s father and his father before him graduated as one of the top mages of the Clock Tower. He was born years later and was taught magic at the age of five just after passing on the Family Crest imprinted on his abdomen. Young Edward grew more spoiled by the day, because of his parents. They never know when to be strict and they always give him what he wants. Leading to his owning of an Arcane Wagon as a Mystic Code in the future. He tends to show them off to the neighboring children and taunt them. It gives him a feeling of satisfaction. To be better than them. He was taught how to use a sword in his teenage years, as well as the use of a lance. Sure he’s not as good as the Heroic Spirits who know how to use them with superhuman senses. He’s at least better than most around the local tournaments in England. He did not enroll into the academy but the Mages Association have records of him and his family. And then talk of this "Holy Grail" came upon his ears, eavesdropping off some Mages from the Association. And what a chance he got. A cup that grants wishes? Of course he would want that. That way he can anything and everything he wants.[/hider][/center] [@VitaVitaAr] [@Rin]