[@Crimmy] [center][img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/dff6/f/2017/152/a/2/jack_by_fenixking13-dbb91tr.png[/img][/center] [@liferusher] [@melpaws] [quote=@liferusher] [center]"Kidnapping this boy. Why?"[/center] [/quote] It wasn't long after Enju spoke up that the other boy was in risk of being kidnapped that he extricated himself from the situation entirely. Such was always the case when you were outspoken with such dubious intentions. Jake crossed his hands and nodded with the silent line of thinking without realizing that the other girl had all but stated she did not want either boys along for their adventure to get ice cream on this particularly warm day. All jack heard was 'get ice cream' to which he naturally assumed it was ok for him to tag along! A refreshing cool cone of frozen confection was exactly what the day called for! [color=ed1c24]"That sounds like f-"[/color] Whatever it was spoke loud and clear, menacing and dark, with a presence that made Jacks spine tingle. A rare taste of fear. Complete and utter fear. Jack swore by the sun and stars that he was a brave young man. Could stare down any man that meant him harm. [color=ed1c24]"-ucking run!" [/color] Jack reacted to the monster the same way any sane or rational person would, grabbing Enjus hand and pulling hard while poor Blair was slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. [color=ed1c24]"GO! GO! GO!"[/color] [color=ed1c24][i]Nowhere to go! Out of the park, into the streets, get the police! Yes! They had weapons right!? [/i][/color]