The boat coasted to a stop, gently bumping against the dock. "I trust the transfer was successful?" Khan said, seemingly oblivious to the chaos breaking out behind him. The crew hauled out a box as long as a man and half as tall, before going back for a second, and a third. "Excellent," Khan nodded, then waved his hands. "Time for a field test. Kill every Epic harassing us and then load the rest. I expect full action reports on the weapons' performances." As Khan and his two guards returned to an incongruously pristine limousine nearby, the Kryptonites on the boat cracked open a crate. The weapons they passed out resembled shotguns, but the smooth, bulbous devices replacing the barrels were unlike any gunpowder weapon. A pair of them charged their new weapons, the end splitting crossways to reveal a glowing, humming core. "Let's give the big guy a surprise." Two, four, six blasts of deep purple energy flew towards the giant form of Phantom looming over the docks. Despite the size of their target, most of the shots missed entirely, their glow sucking up casting clinging shadows on whatever they hit. Except for the one that hit Phantom, which blew a gaping hole in his ethereal form. Another blast tagged a speedster entirely by accident, sending the Epic sprawling. Newly armed and encouraged by these results, the Kryptonites spread out.