James carefully watches the progression of the strange man, he constantly smells the air trying to determined what the creature is. It turns towards his tree and th young vampire tenses, quivering slightly. There is a battle of instincts occuring. The man does not smell like food, but he does smell inviting all the same. But another instinct tells him not to approach, he does not know what he is facing after all. Many fledglings had met their endto older vampires, nt that James knows this but the instinct for a young vampire is to stay close to their Sire and away from unknown vampires. Lightning illuminates the sky and thunder claps high above causing him to flinch. He quickly refocuses of on the strange man as he reaches the trunk of the tree. James stares down at him eyes squinted as he looks at the attractive man beneath him, the strange man looks right back before waving him down. The young vampire takes a moment before he climbs lower but remains well out of reach, rain starts to fall on his head as he perches himself on a new branch staring at the other man. He sniffs the air again, it is defenitely the man that smells strange. "You're different," he says softly. "What are you doin' here? No one comes here, they fear the monster that lives in the forest." He whines softly, he can smell the last feed on the other man, the blood even if there was no sign on it on him. "You're a monster too," he whispers as if someone is listening. "You don't have a beat either." He ventures breavely lower. "You smell of those you killed and of perfume... I can smell and see clearer and better than ever..."