So here is your general purpose aide/walking magibabble/Magical Tech Supportâ„¢ filling the missing abilities gap/explanation of how the hell this was all set up: [hider=Another Ridiculous Name][list][*][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Meran Briefort Marzikek [*][b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 19 [*][b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] [url=]For her, this is unusually and unexpectedly expressive.[/url] [*][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] The first and foremost thing noticed about Meran's personality is that it appears to... not exist. To complete strangers, she comes across as alien, coldly logical and robotic without the slightest hint of emoting. This is only partially true--to the extent that she is seemingly incapable of [i]showing[/i] strong emotion or inflecting, which is most likely an error stemming from self-modification of the soul. There's also an element of truth to calling her logical: as her abilities would indicate, she likes to gather information and think things through before arriving at a plan of action, but whilst impressive that doesn't mean that her every action is dictated by logic. Her actual feelings are almost the reverse of her apparent attitude: she's cheerful, enthusiastic, and incorrigibly optimistic. Meran is confident that any problem can be overcome once you have enough information to work out the means to bypass it and new experiences should be embraced to learn as much as possible. It's pretty hard to make her angry, but treating her like she doesn't have feelings is a good way to do it. [*][b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b] Meran has a pitifully small number of Magic Circuits--just enough to start the ritual to summon a Servant and far from enough to use magecraft that would interfere with the world beyond her own body. Consequently, although she has a Water affinity, none of her abilities utilise it beyond the assistance it provided with altering the rest of her circuits. This alteration was to use the 'something unnatural' of the circuits and use it as a basis for turning herself into the incomplete expression of a mystery--in this case, "unforeseen deviation from the course", to allow the possibility of redirecting the effects of any one of Atlas's weapons without damage. By mentally calculating the missing component and utilising the remaining circuits as a bridge to complete it, Meran can redirect both mystical and physical effects on the slightest notice, including reversing them entirely, for practically no effort. Its limitations stem from being a mystery of human origin and the mental work needed; it grows more difficult to actualise the further the effect is from human understanding and the mental work (and consequently time) needed increases along with the difficulty and scale of the effect to be redirected. Both are flaws Meran is seeking to overcome--by improving her own mental capabilities and becoming more involved with the very mysteries she wishes to alter. A normal person with this ability would be unable to put it to any use due to the on-the-fly completion needed. However, as an alchemist of Atlas, Meran has both Thought Acceleration and Memory Partition on her side, and a level of skill that, though genius, she feels falls far short of where she needs to aim for in order to use this properly. Whilst she also possesses a fitting ability to create a large range of mystical tools, the equipment needed isn't here and neither is she willing to produce anything like that outside of where it can be properly disposed of. Purely in the interests of self-defence in an environment fraught with magi, Meran carries a silver athame, a conceptual weapon of "rupturing on fault lines". Against a truly flawless object it cannot cut, the blade is useless, but on a sufficiently flawed and unresisting target, it sets off a cascade ripping through whatever is pierced. When tested on an animal, a deep enough cut allowed it to tear open a large part of the circulatory system. Despite the potency of the knife, its use is limited by its bearer's relative lack of combat potential or potent reinforcement. [*][b][u]History:[/u][/b] From a young age, Meran was destined to enter into the Mage's Association and follow her family's interest in alchemy; the only way that she could have avoided Atlas would have been to run from home as a child. Oddly, for a magus in Atlas and as an oddity in her own family, Meran had a plentiful supply of Magic Circuits. Seeing no need for these once her skills began to progress to a 'competent' (in her own mind) level, the girl took it upon herself to utilise the majority as fuel for a far more helpful ability, incomplete as it is, and focusing her efforts in general on trying to create purely reactive devices capable of averting disaster should any of the great weapons ever make their way from the Institute's safekeeping. When the Wizard-Marshall sent out for help, one of the seven contracts obliging Atlas to offer assistance was produced and Meran pushed to be the one to answer the call. Her abilities were not the type of weapon that would court disaster and the experience would further her research. Naturally, her role was to aid in preparing the ritual and systems needed to progress with the summoning and to observe the proceedings, helping the Masters and Servants in the field. [*][b][u]Other:[/u][/b] As a representative of the branch of the Mage's Association that creates and buries highly destructive Mystic Codes on a regular basis, she certainly has [i]access[/i] to even more potent weaponry but a disinclination to acquire any.[/list][/hider] Also, are we doing this like the last time where every Servant pretty much instantly revealed their identity because it's confusing to have multiple Sabers?