I found the guild back in 2011. It was purely by accident. My hubby had introduced me to roleplay while we were dating. We played D&D for a few years. But once the kids came along it was harder to find the time. Plus by then we were both going to college. So we needed something we could do from home. My hubby found a site that worked for him. I tried it but it wasn't really my thing. So I keep search. But I had no idea what I was searching for. I had never heard of post-to-post roleplaying. I was starting to give up hope. Nothing I found fit. Until my husband suggested I try searching post roleplaying. There among the suggestions was post-to-post roleplay. I clicked out it thinking that was exactly what I wanted. I post something and someone else continues the story and then I respond to their post. Right at the top of the search was the guild. As soon as I clicked on the link I know I was home. Within minutes I found roleplays I wanted to join. I nearly died when the guild went down. But I stayed in touch with some of the friends I made here. Once I heard the guild was back I returned. I am glad to see that the guild has survived ten years despite the chaos. I love the guild and hope to be here for year 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!