Yo, some questions on the state of everyday technology if you'll indulge me. It's quite a few years into the future so I feel these are conceivable possibilities. I understand you haven't written the part on technology yet, but I'm asking anyway; maybe there are some ideas in here that you'll find interesting. First, are we still using a lot of paper stuff in our lives? I'm talking passports, cash, that sort of thing. Personally, I find it plausible that, within over 40 years from now, that we might be equipped with subdermal RFID chips that can take care of identification, digital payments and so on. Maybe it's something that the middle class and above have adopted only. I'm asking this now because it probably has impact on everybody. Secondly, and less ubiquitously relevant, what's the state of augmented reality? I think I saw mention of smartglasses somewhere. Am I to imagine that this is basically what the hype wants us to believe it's like? That we can, say, display information about landmarks or directions on the go, super-imposed over our vision? Digital conferences with virtual avatars? Including business-related meetings involving multiple parties all over the world, yet with no need to convene in one physical location? Games that more or less seamlessly meld with the real world? Could a law enforcer have an enhanced version that gives them access to a summary of people's personal information (particularly if RFID is a thing and they are within scanning range)? And lastly, I'm guessing fossil fuels have largely run out and/or electric cars have definitely replaced petrol-based vehicles?