Subdermal chips is a notoriously double-edged blade. On one hand, they can be convenient and useful, on the other, we already have heart stimulants that a person with sufficient knowledge of the hardware can crack into and do whatever with, an increase of minor frauds and privacy violations due to distance read chips, and some very real cases where children with anti-kidnapping tracking chips in a SA country were severely mutilated by kidnappers to get said chips out. Just imagine a world where muggers, instead of taking your wallet, will just force you to ground and gouge into your arm with pocket knives instead, another subset of petty thieves would just nick a couple of readers, modify them, and steal from you by walking past you at arm's lenght, and anyone with the slightest issue with you will know precisely where you are. ...I'm now semi-inclined to play a proper criminal, or a few of them, but I probably shouldn't given my current load (as in, I'm inching upwards of three weeks between posts).