[i]“I can’t help but think that if I stay here, I will end up sharing space with Falere and Rithrynn. Serphia’s butt has its own gravitational attraction” [/i] So were Liaena’s thoughts as she clung to the Night Elf’s hair like a lifetime, while in the meantime taking the chance to assess her options. On the plus side, Malizia was no longer actively making debris-angels out of the wreckage of buildings around them. Instead, they had the pleasure of a group of heavily armed men who had charged out of a portal to look confusedly around…late to the party obviously. Squinting at their insignias, the girl was unable to immediately make them out. Friend or foe? “RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” ….It would seem the decision had been made for them. Foe, apparently. [i]“For the love of the light, I am not staying here until I get sat on!”[/i] Digging into her pockets, Liaena silently mourned the loss of her satchel – the instigating event of this entire mess – as she finally dragged a small vial out of a pocket. Upending it to down the contents, the girl let go of Alyssa’s hair to fall to the floor, growing rapidly as she did so to land neatly on both feet a moment later, normal size – for her – again. A larger target, perhaps. But at least her fate would no longer involve a new role as someone else bowel stimulation. “Captain!” Speaking of which, Serphia was uncharacteristically separate from the current bloodbath now involving Malizia, hanging back from the fight with a far away happy expression on her face. Liaena gave the mercenaries a very wide berth as she headed over, waving a hand to catch the (somewhat vacant) Night Elfs attention. “Captain – that demon will be lured out of the city to the mountains north of here! If you follow, you can defeat it!” The girl glanced around her to assess their surroundings. There were currently no signs of the normal Stormwind Guard. Presumably because they weren’t suicidal. However with the absence of Malizia and depending on how Mei’s recent assault worked up, it was possible someone would pluck up the courage to make a few arrest attempts. “Also, Captain – the human guards may get in the way if you stay here” A further boost to her mood could surely not hurt. The girl eyed Serphia’s midriff speculatively, then raised her voice slightly so as to hopefully attract the attention of the elves stuck inside it “They won’t appreciate you the way [b]Rithrynn [/b]does”