[center][hr][hr][color=6ecff6][h3][b]3rd of March • 10 AM[/b][/h3]Sunny with a light wind, cool in the shade and when the wind blows[/color][hr][hr][/center] It is early morning, and to those of you travelling from the Kingdoms the emerald rolling plains wind out before your caravans as you travel under the warm, welcoming sun. Above you chirping birds glide and flitter against a picture perfect sky, painted with soft cottonball clouds and lifted by a cool, gentle wind. There is only a slight early day chill as you approach the great grey-white wall, a wall that slopes slightly away from you and curves back round upwards to meet the sky. It is a breathtaking sight, snaking off into the horizon indefinitely either side. Rising before you, right slap bang in the middle of it, stands The Gate That Never Was. Despite it's foreboding history, it is [i]glorious[/i]. You never expected it to be so beautiful, but the intricate ornate carvings curling around it's sides speak of a lost time known only to ancients, poets and dreamers. As the megalithic doors rumble open with a sound that reverberates through the depth of your being, you could not even begin to imagine the extent of the strangeness written in your future stars. It seemed too cheerful a day to step into the dangerous unknown, to step into a world you couldn't possibly begin to understand, but such is fate. As it was, within the first hour of your arrival in these lands, things did not so much take a turn to the unusual as they did nosedive into the abyss of the strange and peculier... [center][img]http://aidanmoher.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Shuxing_Li_05.jpg[/img][color=cccccc](Gate: World's End Side)[/color][/center] [indent][indent][b]The Train:[/b] [color=cccccc]The vehicles that pick up Tolls from the Kingdoms are fashoined by the Empire. Hulking automatic trains of thick steel ran by clockwork and steam, they skirt about the Kingdoms picking up Tolls before heading Beyond the Gate That Never Was. Each person has their own carriage which locks them in while they are the human side of the gate. These mechanisms shut down soon after passing through into World's End. Theese trains are standardised, with a cargo carriage at the back for heavier items and an engine carriage at the front. The engine carriage is welded closed.[/color][/indent] [/indent] [center] [b][color=crimson][[ HIGHLY ADVISED: CHECK IF YOU HAVE A KNOWLEDGE SHEET PM FROM ME FIRST TO SEE IF YOU HAVE SECRET INFORMATION ]][/color][/B] [/center] [center][h3][b]Group One: Ignatus, Targild, Kaleo, Kain[/b][/h3] [@Paddiecake][@Mae][@Tenma Tendo][@Orpheus][/center] [hider=Group 1] It started with a sound that cut through your blood like broken glass. A cackle? A howl? It became harder to tell as the center of the train crunched and slammed to the side. Bang, screech. Metal grinding against metal. You lurch from the force, spinning through the air, witnessing the carriage in front of you compress suddenly like an old tin can, all jagged edges and broken things. Your things, by the way, have been scattered all over the carriage. Something is out there. And it's trying to get to you. [hr] [@Paddiecake] Ignatus: You'd seen it. The hunk of metal and safety chugging along through World's End, a semblance of sanity from the Kingdoms. The beasts were on your tail, and you thought the steel might stall them. Perhaps, even, you could grab onto the back of the vehicle and ride away to safety, dissapearing off somewhere later before the new tolls even knew you were there. As it was, it took all your finally honed running abilities to get the other side of the carriages before the beasts got near you. For a second, you might of felt relieved, but you knew better. Though, even your paranoia couldn't have prepared you for what happened next. You couldn't see the beasts this side of the vehicle, but you did see what happened to the carriage as they launched themselves into it with all their combined force. The huge hunk of metal screamed and threw itself at you. Your body reacted instinctually, you threw yourself down to the ground, and suddenly darkness engulfed you. Creeeeeeak. Looking up, you realise you are pinned in a pocket of air under the carcass of the train. Groaning metal buckles inches from your face. You find yourself in a small cubby, trapped on all sides. Better get out, either before the train decides to collapse on you or the beasts find their way in. From the train above you, you can hear voices. [hr][Mae] Targilde Mullen: Your carriage lurches and crumples as a great force smashes into the side, throwing you to the floor - luckily. You wouldn't want to be a bloodstain on the far wall, or rather, that wall might now be one of the things pressing down on you. The door to the next carriage partially breaks, and through the gap at the bottom you can see into the next carriage over. There's a little wiggle room, but getting through the blocked door to safety is fraught with peril without help. Little did you know beneath you lay a man in a similar predicament. [hr][@Tenma Tendo] Kaleo Yuna: You are thrown against the side of the carriage as something barrels into it, your books flying everywhere. You witness the next carriage over crumple, and hear the creatures outside shriek in enjoyment. No doubt some of the other passengers are in immediate danger, but these creatures will be upon you soon... what to do? [hr][@Orpheus] Kain: Metal shrieks as the pins holding this carriage with the next are bent at angles it was never built to withhold. Something impacted the carriage in front of you, but you barely have time to register how bad the damage is, for your own carriage is thrown backwards as the door is ripped clean off. You stare up at the spinning sky through the gaping hole as your carriage finally comes to a stop - vertically, standing up on end. The ground is slightly unsteady - evidently you have come to a stop propped up against the cargo hold. If you wanted to get out, you'd either have to climb up and out the gaping hole or try to get the door to the cargo open and crawl your way out. And you know there are creatures outside, and that they're probably not going to lend a hand. [hr] [color=cccccc]Rough diagram of layout:[/color] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/298cbf0698b6ccfe5d509052a2bb4fc4.png[/img][/center][/hider] [center][h3][b]Group Two: Farran, Melanie, Castiel, Llyod[/b][/h3] [@Tenma Tendo][@Mae][@Fox of Spades][@SilverDawn][/center] [hider=Group 2] A darkness falls over the tiny grate windows as you pass through a tunnel. You hadn't realised there were tunnels in World's End, but apparently there are all sorts of strange things, so it didn't seem all that out of place. Right? Now that you think of it, isn't the train slowing down? Ah. It seems to have stopped completely. Have you reached your destination? Looking out the windows - you guessed it - it's dark. You can vaguely see the outline of curved, cobbled walls. Somewhere far down past the engine compartment firelight flickers. You seem to recall that you were supposed to be heading to some sort of village to live. Why they would have a tunnel for a station, you're not sure. .. The doors to your carriages have been open for a while now. You can leave the train or find the other passengers, or visit cargo. Outside the train, you find yourself standing in a room with a low ceiling. Either side of the train are short platforms to step onto. Down the front of the train you see two flickering braziers either side of a narrow wooden staircase, dissapearing off into darkness. Oh. That's strange. The path behind the train is blocked by a cobblestone wall...? There's no evidence of an entrance ever being there in the first place... You're trapped.[/hider] [center][h3][b]Group Three: Oxe, Humphrey, Alexis, Crusz, Viola[/b][/h3] [@Paddiecake][@Mae][@Haru Nyan][@Fox of Spades][/center] [hider=Group3]It's hard to remember how you got here. The cool fogs cling to your skin, curling around your body. Visiiblity is less then low, it's like you're walking through a thick sea of grey. In the mists darker shapes move, some people sized, some seem to be objects. How did you get here? Where are you going? In fact... where is [i]here[/i], exactly? You can recall being in a train once, but the train is no longer here. You know that there must of been others like you with you - even if they were in the next carriage along - but you can only see a few feet in front of you. Surely there are other's nearby... but what do the mists hide? Treasure, turmoil, or things best left uncovered?[/hider] [center][h3][b]Group Four: Wakana, Rowen, Diane[/b][/h3] [@Tenma Tendo][@Kore][@Moonlit Sonata][/center] [hider=Group 4]The train chugs along into World's End, and after a while it seems like the journey is stretching on a bit more then you'd like. Seconds seem to last hours, hours seem to last days, and as you try your best to avoid boredom you begin to notice something strange about the carriage. For one, it has stretched out to three times the length it should be. Secondly, there is now an extra door in each passenger carriage. Thirdly, the quiet hum and chug of the machinery and steam has been replaced by a quiet ticking sound. You are free to move about the train or spend time with other passengers at will... [hr][@Moonlit Sonata] Diane: It started with a clinking sound. [i]Roll[/i]. Something small and brightly coloured trickled by your foot. You look down the center of the carriage to see them - tiny perfectly round pebbles of yellows, blues, greens, reds and purples tumbling past you and occasionally bouncing along. They come to a stop at the far wall, and then they start rolling the other way back again. [hr][@Tenma Tendo]Wakana: pic. pic poc. click clack click clock. When you look down at your feet, you don't see tiny brightly coloured things. You find little green kidney-shaped objects. It's probably best you're looking down and not up, because when you look up you realise where they're coming from - they're falling from the ceiling, landing on the seat and your clothes and your luggage... and the floor by your feet, of course. But they don't just land - they bounce about. Up and that, this way and that, without rhyme nor reason. [hr][@Kore]Rowen: There you were, sitting, minding your own buisness when - bop! - you felt something land on your head. It was a light something, a barely-weighing anything something, but you felt it there and there it was. A small, plump blue thing, with a spec of a beak and two twiggy legs. Chirp, chirp, chirp, the baby went. At least, you think it was a baby bird - perhaps adolescent? - it still had a little downy fluff in places where it's adult feathers hadn't properly grown in.[/hider] [center][h3][b]Group Five: Michael, Druuk, Sinéad[/b][/h3] [@Burthstone][@Duskshine749][@Orpheus][/center] [hider=Group5]The greenery stream past your window, forests, plains, strange structures arise beyond the horizon. It takes a few minutes for you to realise the world outside is tilting at an ever-increasing upward angle. The sky slants towards you and then with not so much as a creak you realise the train is rising into the sky. Quiet whispering and giggling fill the air as you crest upwards into the cloud layer. [hr][@Burthstone] Michael: [color=gold][center]"We like this one." "Yes, yes, sweet it is." "Precious thing." "Let's keep it." "Bless it." "Ours now."[/center][/color] The quiet, tinkling voices that stole you away to the roof circled above your head. You can see the world from up here. [hr][@Duskshine749]Druuk: A flash of gold past the open window and a strange wind, flicked with golden shining dust, whistles into the chamber. It swirls around the chairs, dances through the air, and then nosedives into a small empty pounch it finds lying nearby.[/hider]