Jumping nimbly across rooftops, Alonare was keeping pace with a small pack of Beowolves who apparently caught a scent they liked. She hadn't hunted Grimm at all, but she knew that all packs, be it Grimm or slavers, had a similar goal: To hunt down prey for their own benefit. Currently they were making a beeline for Beacon, that shining tower ever in the distance where so-called protectors of humanity were trained. Where were they, now that the world was crashing down around Humanity's ears? defending their own no doubt... The Faunus locked down her thoughts and focused on her footwork, her body emanating a very dull dark green aura as she leaped from ledge to ledge. Whatever these Grimm were after, she secretly hoped the people on the other end of the trail were bad. She didn't have many arrows left... ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ High above, caught in the crossfire between Grimm and military vessels, evacuation airships were starting to drop. Apparently the fear exuding from the survivors were drawing Nevermores like moths to a flame, despite any effort from the military. One such ship was hit by the body of a smaller nevermore, but it was enough to knock the ship off course and at an extreme angle to the ground. The pilot was helpless to recover, and chaos erupted as objects and people were flung around the passenger bay. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ An explosion above her made Alonare stop short of her next jump to look skyward.....just in time to see a skyship barreling toward her. "[b][color=00a651].....crap.[/color][/b]" was all she said before dashing TOWARD the ship. Logic dictated a falling object at an angle will keep going in the direction of inertia, so her only hope was to get under and behind the crash zone. Plans never really work out the way one wants them to...