[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/1pH7TQX.png[/img][/center] As it turned out most of the supply detail was being taken care of by the military staff themselves. Fortunately for the Apis they didn’t have to push through the crowds to find this out, a couple of them buzzing over the heads of the crowd to the military personnel. After a brief argument they were turned away from boarding with their mechs to help speed up unloading. Meanwhile the Rapid Evening’s communication array continued to passively monitor signals in and around the colony, trying to see if they could pick up any information as to what was actually going on. They briefly picked up the beginnings of communications between a lone interceptor and the com’s tower, an odd place for a fighter craft they noted, they managed to pick up the communique about the activity at the science site. Suffice to say they were very alarmed, after all, there was a perfectly good example up in orbit as to why ancient technology activating was an extremely bad thing to happen. At least that’s what they assumed the tremors might be, it hadn't gone beyond their notice that that coincided rather suspiciously with the arrival of the two new vessels in the system. Safe to say they did not want to get caught with their pants down for a second time and so initialized a recall for all of their members back to the rapid Evening, effective immediately. To any individual the nearby swarms abandoning was but a curiosity, but to anyone with the big picture there was a large amount of Apis and machinery now heading straight back to the the ship, the crab lifter crew and Liandry robots returning in good order. The only exception to this was the group currently right outside the office the signal had been intended for. Now that they knew what to listen for a number of them gently set themselves down on the floor. They could feel it, with their wings temporarily silenced and antennae touching the floor, tiny creatures could feel the vibrations even from this far off. It was extremely concerning. They picked themselves back of the ground and joined the rest. They were about to set off when Dr Lascelles and an unknown man who might be military. After waiting a few moments to create a polite distance the swarm followed after them, heading for the exit.