[hr][hr][center][img]https://s23.postimg.org/h6shths5n/virginia.png[/img] [img]https://s30.postimg.org/8uoso7135/virginia.gif[/img][hr][color=9999ff][b]Location[/b][/color]: Almack's[/center][hr][hr] Virginia nodded and smiled softly as Mary said that she did not need to attend to Mosi's corpse alone. That had always been a family strength of the Crypts--no matter what hardships befell them, they would see them through together. It helped to move about in the shadows and the darkness, keeping the intensity and spark alive. For Virginia, as well as most Crypt women, could never fall in love with someone who did not feel moved by the flames. No companion who could not heartily dance a mamushka would be sensible for her. [color=9999ff]"I must thank you, then, Dame Hale,"[/color] Virginia replied. She hardly had even finished processing the presence of the dark stranger in the room when Mary drew a sidearm, aimed at the man. Had Virginia not had her hands full, what with supporting Mosi and whatnot, she perhaps would have took up her twin axes. As much as she would enjoy releasing her anger with a decent and proper fight to the death, now was not the time for bloodshed or violence. She could not help but feel that Dame Hale was too kind to the man, perhaps too soft. He had been gawking at her as if she was a sideshow freak, a gypsy dressed in the clothing of a queen for all to come and see. And while she was quite accustomed to stares, he had intruded upon Mosi's current resting place. He had dared to step in the sacred site of Mosi's death, cheapening it in Virginia's eyes. [color=9999ff]"Whatever obsession you may have with me, leave it for now,"[/color] Virginia said, her voice far colder than Mary's. [color=9999ff]"There has been too much lost for one night's tragedy. If you are foolish enough to wish to end my life, do it another day and I shall gladly join you in that dance of death. But now is neither the time nor the place, stranger."[/color] Her grip on Mosi tightened, yet there was the slightest hint of gratitude in her face for Mary's actions. There was no more need nor want for the reaper this night. Hopefully, the formidable form of Dame Hale would be enough to send the stranger away and allow Mary and Virginia to tend to Mosi.