[@Letmehaveone2] [@Windstormugly] [@Ryouko] [b][u][i]Morgana- Inside the Tavern[/i][/u][/b] Unbeknownst to likely most of the people on the ground floor, laying on a support beam by the ceiling was a black cat, his blue eyes looking down at the lively bunch that's greeting each other below, noticing one of the ones outside then turning into a wolf, much to the cat's natural dismay...Wait, no, it shouldn't be natural for him to hate wolves. He's a man, and dogs are man's best friend. Anyways, the one the wolf's...communicating with, also seemed interesting, particularly that gem on the back of their neck. ...Are they some kind of advanced Treasure Demon? ...Or maybe it's just the kind of treasure demons one finds here. ...Since, looking up at the moon, he contemplates how he doesn't even know what "here" is. It felt like only yesterday that he was back in Shibuya, in a more modern time than right now. He was driving the Phantom Thieves, his many students, through the pits of Mementos, the collective distortion of the city's inhabitants, manifested within the Shibuya Underground. If they weren't trying to dive deeper and deeper down through its depths, they were hunting and changing the hearts of jerks and criminals from there. The Phantom thieves went down to do the latter when they came across an unusual portal within one of its many floors. Portals in Mementos are nothing new to the Phantom Thieves, as they are akin to doorways to their targets' areas, specific and exclusively for them. But all of them were red... This one was blue. Deciding to enter into it, regardless, as it may just be a special target for all they knew, Morgana jumped into the portal...and everyone but Morgana was thrown out. Morgana was unsure as to why he was the only one who landed in this distant past time, where he even was, or why he's the only one who did. All that's known is that he's stuck in this time, with no way of going back, and found his way to the Tavern. By the looks of it, he was one of the first ones to find it out of the bunch of misfits that kept coming. With nothing else to do, Morgana jumped up to the ceiling support beam to rest and watch the others come in. ------------------------------ [b][u][i]Nagito- Forest Near Tavern[/i][/u][/b] "[b]Wow, Looks like Arin's gained quite a number of new allies in there. ...Rather unique ones might I add, and more seems to keep coming. Really brings a tear to my eye to see so many talented individuals coming together like this.[/b]" Said the white haired boy as he smiled, watching what was going on in the tavern through the scope of some binoculars, the feint wind blowing on him, moving the bottom part of his green coat. Nagito was sitting on a branch of a tree by the tavern as he did this, the same tree that Hunter and his shadowsaur was hiding behind. He then looked down towards the both of them. "[b]...I know you designed it against Arin, but was it really a good idea to bring that shadowsaur along for this recon? Don't get me wrong, he's probably great and all against Arin, but...he sticks out like a sore thumb.[/b]" Nagito then said to Hunter. It was around that time that the ground shook, and a giant ring cylinder made by Aion appeared. "[b]Looks like we got [i]lucky.[/i] The Shadowsaur might stick out, but THAT will probably stick out more. So, what's the plan?[/b]" Nagito asked Hunter with genuine relief and happiness, something [i]eerie[/i] in the wake of what's being talked about. ------------------------------ [b][u][i]Johnathan Falcon- Within Golden's Lair[/i][/u][/b] Somewhere in Golden's lair sat Johnathan Falcon, the cloaked, masked figure meditating...upside down on the ceiling. For most, this would be considered unbelievable, remarkable even, but for anyone like Golden who knows a damn thing about him, this is actually something very common and easy to do. Somehow, without anything that could be associated as a camera of some kind, John could see what was going on both inside and outside of this building in the middle of nowhere... "[i]...It seems your nemesis has a number of newfound friends. There are potential threats both inside the facility, and all around the parameter. To go after him right now is...unwise. Perhaps an indirect plan is in order, boss...[/i]" Johnathan said to Golden telepathically. ------------------------------ [b][u][i]Lord Metallix- Forest near the Tavern[/i][/u][/b] Just as there exists multiple universes in the grand scheme of reality, so too are there many parallels connected to each one, divided by a razor thin line of time. This is the phenomena known to some as a multiple worlds theory, or simply the multiverse theory, the idea that there are multiple universes that are born and branch off from a single prime universe that started it all. A single fork in anyone's road, a single choice they make will instantly create a new timeline, and thus a new universe is born through differentiating from the original. Because of this, a single universe may have near-infinite parallel universes branching off of it with each and every choice made by each and every person. Sonic and Metal Sonic's world is one of these prime universes, and Sonic's time travelling, at least for the little planet's futures, is an example of this as he and his counterpart were then transported to where they are now. Their world too has branched off into many parallel variants. Some similar with minuscule differences, some being a completely different reality to the one the two may have been used to. There are many way to travel through these universes, but the one "he" chose was a personal favorite: The Cosmic highway, a web of cosmic energy that acts as roads connecting the many parallels of Sonic's world together. It does not extend beyond the parallels of this mobian world however, as a cloaked figure walking the highway noticed when he looks at a device in its hand, and noticing two energy signals being blasted beyond the device's range. Meaning they weren't just blasted to another time, but to a whole other universe, a whole other dimension from this one. Interested, the cloaked figure flew off the cosmic path, a blaze of rocket flames coming out from behind it, and attempted to go beyond the space of this dimension. As he flew through the vast nothingness that lies beyond the highway, he noticed a blue light, spotting a circle of blue energy in the distance, the radar seeming to indicate that the two hedgehogs went in the direction of it. Sonic and Metal Sonic must have REALLY overcharged the time stone. The residual energy of it seemed to have caused them to break open a hole in the space-time continuum, creating a portal to another dimension. Now even more interested than before, the cloaked figure stepped through it. --- He deactivated the rocket thruster on his back as he passed through the portal, quickly landing at his feet. Looking at him from a distance, he was appear as very short individual, a long black cloak completely covering his body, keeping it from sight, the only thing coming from it being a red eye glowing through the darkness of his hood. He looked around at his surroundings, apparently he was in a forest, by an olden tavern right in the middle of it. Strangely, he can't seem to detect Sonic or Metal Sonic even when he knows he went through the same portal that they did...Perhaps the destination changes somewhat? Or maybe they've already moved away from the spot. Either way, it's clear he'll gain nothing by standing here, and so he attempted to leave to try and find them, when all of a sudden, he detected something close by, magic as it seemed. Then he could feel the ground shake as a giant cylinder of stone broke through the forest and rose up. Upon scanning this, he detected that only a ring around a hollowed center was lifted upwards. "[i]...An alchemist, here? ...Interesting.[/i]" The robot thought, putting his hand against his chin like a normal thinking man would, pondering about this. While there were no actual practitioners of it, the robot has most certainly heard of the theory of Alchemy. In fact the general concept of Alchemy is the general inspiration for the roboticizer back home: To turn one thing into another, to turn flesh into metal in that case. IF there was truly an actual Alchemist around here, then learning about him could help improve the effectiveness of Robotnik's roboticizer. Curious in that respect, he activated the rocket thruster on his back and jumped up high above the trees, landing on the 5 foot thick ring wall and staring down at the center. The walls made it very dark to see down 20 feet in the dead of night, but for the robot, this wasn't a problem as he eyes glowed red. Zooming in, he spotted the two men that were in there. However, he said nothing, did nothing, simply watching what would happen inside between these two.