[center][b][u][h3][color=a2d39c]Olivia Zesiger[/color][/h3][/u][/b] [b]Interacting with:[/b] ...[/center] [color=silver]Waking up in the morning was a fate worse than death. When she woke from her slumber, her head felt like it was weighed down by a bunch of bricks. It was a war between her body and mind, especially when the veterans stormed the girls' cabin. Before her clouded, pain-ridden mind could even resemble something akin to a thought, she was torn from her cot and dropped onto the cold, wooden ground. Her whole body protested, especially her stomach; her guts twisted and turned, and she struggled to keep its contents within her. [b]"Up and at it, lass. Get to the mess hall, already,"[/b] one of the soldiers told her. Olivia's arms quivered as she fought to remain somewhat upright, eyes downcast as she avoided the soldiers' teasing looks and the light that filtered inside the cabin. The men were still watching her, and she knew they expected her to be out of the structure before they left. [color=a2d39c][i]I regret everything.[/i][/color] It was the first thought that the inner workings of her skull spouted out. The girl hauled herself to her feet, paling visibly with the motion. The walls, the floor, the faces of the soldiers... they all spun around her. Olivia stiffened up, feeling bile reach the back of her throat, but quickly swallowed. She couldn't throw up there. Not in front of them. But the more she moved, the more her stomach and body and mind protested. The troopers seemed to know very well of her situation, and roughly grabbed the clothed girl by her collar and shoved her outside as quickly as they could. Her feet staggered beneath her body, and the world spun more and more before she caught herself on the side of the building. By then, it was too late to keep fighting the urge to vomit. Olivia purged herself by the corner of the building, not bothering to look down at the mess she made on the snow. She felt that if she looked at it, more vomit would come. Someway, somehow, she found herself heading towards the mess hall like the soldiers told her to. Olivia braved the distance half-willingly, only pushing further due to the fact she was afraid of getting yelled at. If she had the choice, she would have remained in bed. But, thankfully, by the time that her feet touched the floors of the mess hall, she was feeling a little better; and, by a little better, she meant that she got the taste of vomit out of her mouth. She ate as much breakfast as she could without expelling it all over again. Sluggishly, she joined the rest of the unit, who had begun to get orders from one of the soldiers. They would make it back down, one way or another. At least, she hoped so; the way that he spoke made it seem extremely dangerous, as if an avalanche could happen at any waking moment. A yawn escaped her as she followed after them, her eyes half-lidded. She had to keep her eyes open, even if the light made her feel like her eyes and brain were on fire. [center][h3][b][u][color=f7941d]Tobias Weissman[/color][/u][/b][/h3] [b]Interacting with:[/b] Lukas, Martin, Evi, Fathi [@FrostedCaramel][/center] [color=silver]Of course, they didn't seem too happy to him. Tobias wasn't surprised-- he was always the center of issues. He often got scolded by the higher-ups, and he never remained stationed in a place for long. His way of being usually clashed with other people's personalities, leading to heated disagreements and dysfunction within units. To be honest, even he was surprised when he was told he would be placed with Squad 9 once more. Even Lukas asked him whether or not he was going to stay for good, earning a pensive look from Tobias. He would prefer it if he stayed in one place for more than a few months, but if things didn't work out, then what was he supposed to do? Quietly, he followed the four of them onto the lift, standing in the corner and glancing back at Lukas. [color=f7941d][b]"I'm not sure. I supposed that we should hope for the best,"[/b][/color] Tobias answered straightforwardly. Last time that he was with them, Evi and him never got along. In fact, she was the one he argued with the most. She had a strong personality, he had to admit; she was as stubborn as a bull, and he found it difficult to work with her. Sighing, Tobias tossed a half-assed look in her direction before turning to face Lukas once more. Lukas was someone that he could work on the same pace with. He was easy to interact with, more or less, mostly because they only conversed about their goals and missions and that was it. [color=f7941d][b]"So, what's the plan for today?"[/b][/color][/color]