[hr][hr][center][h2][b][color=goldenrod]Dr. Jonathan Baynard[/color][/b][/h2] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Wep9pUnX9qE/hqdefault.jpg [/img] [/center][hr][color=goldenrod]Location:[/color]Port of Tortuga[hr][hr] The words meanings escaped Jon's mind even though they had reached his ears clearly. The recent kick already forgotten now as he tried to piece together what just happened. He looked blankly at Millicent, confused and disappointed he stared longingly at her as he awaited her reaction for guidance. Despite knowing better he had fallen for her story himself. Now he was waiting for some sudden action or proposal from her that would somehow rectify all this. Was this some cruel joke or taunting jest? Was there some sick mockery at play. He had come so close... Millicent was right there. Who in their right mind would pay the asking price for Jon now, let alone double!? He made sense of the insensible situation by accepting it without question. Instead his mind followed his eyes to ponder upon who this new lady was that paid so generously for him. The 'Honourable Miss Alice Blackwood'. Jon prided himself on his strong ability for memorisation, but after his beating and recent events, his brain was a bit slow to tick over. The name strung a chord that resonated within his skull. If he wasn't so caught up in the term 'honourable' being used here of all places while purchasing a slave, he might have caught on a bit sooner. But slowly the pieces clicked into place. Her accent, that attire, the person standing over her shoulder, her mannerism and the abundance of coin. She was [b]'that'[/b] Blackwood... Jon remained speechless, contemplating what all this could mean. He looked around expectantly, waiting to see what happens next. He still wasn't sure if this was good or bad thing. Real or just a ruse. Was he even awake or was this all just some ill conceived sea-sickness induced delirium. Only time would tell.