[b][center][h1][color=7ea7d8]Vivi Celestia[/color][/h1][/center][/b] [center] [hider=My Hider] [img]https://k45.kn3.net/taringa/1/3/8/6/6/3/07/john9119/535.jpg?207[/img] [/hider] [@Spriggs27] [/center] The guards had seen some strange things in their lifetime, it was kinda part and parcel of being employed by the most powerful and influential family of mages in the kingdom. But a dragon woman, dressed in what seemed to be the remains of some form of jacket walking up to the front gate and asking to see two of the young mistresses of the house? Yeah. That was pretty damn weird, even for this family. It was also highly suspicious, and understandably they pointed their spears at Zin. Though there was some obvious fear in the way one of them looked towards the dragon woman, he was an inexperienced guard, the other, older guard was a lot calmer and was the one who now spoke. [b]"And what business do you have with the young ladies?"[/b] He asked gruffly, glaring at the dragon woman through the slits of his helmet. [color=7ea7d8]"Oh? What is going on here? Who exactly are you, and what business do you have with myself and my sister?"[/color] The sound of Vivi's voice came from behind of Zin, and looking in that direction she would find the younger Celestia, her arms crossed over her chest and wearing a deep frown, with the [url=http://40.media.tumblr.com/93c066239d0a6665f2dfe97c1f807040/tumblr_nkj8uekc791thxrr7o1_1280.jpg]red-haired maid[/url] that had been with Avery the week prior. In the maids arms were some brown paper bags filled with what seemed to be bread and other assorted groceries. Vivi stared at Zin for a moment. This...creature seemed oddly familiar. Like she had met her before. But also, just what was this woman? She seemed to have scales on various parts of her body, large talon-like claws and of course a large scaly tail. She was reminiscent of a dragon actually, which was impossible. A demi-human that was a dragon? Just how the hell would that even happen?