[hr] [h2]THE SECOND SIN[/h2] [hr] [center][color=#85bb65][h2] GREED [/h2][/color] [img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/ad52/th/pre/i/2012/328/4/d/scrooge_by_ravenscar45-d5lzal5.jpg[/img] [quote= A Christmas Carol]"There was an eager, greedy, restless motion in the eye, which showed the passion that had taken root, and where the shadow of the growing tree would fall."[/quote][/center] [hider= THE CHALLENGE: The Second Sin] [color=#85bb65][h3] GREED [/h3][/color] [b]A[/b]nother [b]V[/b]irtuous [b]A[/b]nd [b]R[/b]ighteous [b]I[/b]ndividual [b]T[/b]urns [b]I[/b]nto [b]A[/b]ntithesis Corrupted for Greed: [i] Your Challenge is to corrupt a saint in any way you can. They must be a morally upright character fighting temptation. And then you must change them, until they are a mockery of their former self. [/i] [/hider] [hider=Clarification of the Challenge Parameters]This section attempts to illuminate any ambiguity or ambivalence, although hopefully the above is enough. They are intentionally left vague to a certain degree, with only 2 or 3 large parameters to fulfill. If you have any specific questions which are not addressed here, please send them to [@The Grey Dust] for resolution. For [color=#85bb65] GREED [/color], You have been asked to transform a morally upright character, and make him the opposite of what he once was. Q. The character must be perfect? A. Perfect? Only if perfectly moral. The character must be a just and righteous entity. They may be flawed, faceted with as many or as few imperfections as they may have, but they cannot be anything less than morally upright. They must be pure in a sense of either having atoned for past misdeeds and forgiven, or even more difficult to be without fault at all. You must characterize the entity carefully as to be the most virtuous one in the tale. Q. How much change is required in the story? A. As much and as many changes it requires to completely transform someone into something they would berate in their past. Change can happen all at once, it can happen slowly overtime, however somewhere in the story there must be a clear transformation demonstrated. Q. The story must end with just a change? A. Possibly, the ending is for the writer to decide upon how to close a tale. After all, men's courses will foreshadow certain ends, to which, if persevered in, they must lead, but if... Q. How long can my story be? A. As long as it needs to be. It is not the length of a story which matters but substance found within it. [/hider] [hider=Credits]Thanks again to [@mdk], [@Terminal], [@RomanAria], and the entire RPGC crew for everything! Great thanks to Lord [@mahz] and the other members of the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/staff]guild staff[/url] for helping to renovate the guild and enabling the features that allow us to reward contestants and to advertise our presence. The intimidating image of the Ebenezer Scrooge up above was made by Ravenscar45 on DeviantArt, whose profile can be viewed [url=http://ravenscar45.deviantart.com/]here[/url].[/hider]