And it is sort of railroading since you tell us there's a map, but only mentioned the Servant's Entrance. There's no actual description of the layout of the manor on the map, so there's absolutely no choice we as players can make since the DM failed to actually produce a map for us to view IC/OOC and roleplay out our options which thus far are Warded Frontdoor, Vs Servant's Entrance. There's no description of how many stories the building is, No basement, no balcony, no chimney or rooftop access? The topiary garden has been described, but the manor itself to me right now appears to be a blank-vaguely house-shaped box with distinctive lack of features that a map could and probably would illuminate. [/quote] It was addressed that there were windows, and that the walls surrounding the manor were 20 ft high, walls are not typically taller or the same height as the building they surround so one can assume the manor is multi-leveled. How does one access the windows? Try climbing, for gods sake you've got a character who stands 8 feet tall that could lift someone higher up. Instead of accusing me of railroading (which is frankly rude and serves no purpose other than to piss me off) try asking for more information if you feel you don't have enough to RP out further choices. As stated previously this is my first time DMing (on an online forum, not an actual D&D game) so I am used to more things being addressed by player questions than just assuming the DM is a omniscient being who knows that you personally don't have enough information to RP your character effectively. Say something without all the attitude. As for [@VKAllen] I missed that Crow Eater had attempted to find another way in, I will go back and address it. I apologize that I missed it.