"What, by Ulric?" Cyrdic hissed, perplexed at Camilla's sudden disappearance. He was about to shout he didn't understand, but he realized shouting was not the best option at the moment. He cursed again, and then remembered the girl and whirled to face the sacrilegious questioning. He was on the brink of whether he should run or go and aid the prisoners. Luckily, the decision was made for him when a very real gunshot was heard from across the bank. He's definitely question Camilla once he saw her again. The broad shouldered man had at once realized that as soon as the firearm had been discharged, the score of men had turned to look at him. He froze, and then suddenly shouted 'they're over there!' towards the eastern shore, not away and not toward where the actual noise had happened. With that, he hunkered down and sped as fast as he could around the small hillock, crouched. He popped his head up when the land sloped up, much closer to the makeshift gallows. He gazed around, and only saw one man milling about to watch the prisoners. Cyrdic hustled over to him, acting very much out of breath, pointing toward the shoreline. "Orcs!" He claimed, causing the man to look at him with fear. "What? Greenskins, here?" He didn't have time to finish his thought before Cyrdic walloped him across the head. The man fell like a poleaxed-ox. With that done, Cyrdic took out a long knife and began undoing the straps on the prisoners. "Quiet" he told them. They thanked him by Ranald, Taal, and Sigmar, but he scolded them to keep calm and silent as he freed them. Once he reached the three up top, he freed the young girl first. "Oh Ulric, thank you sir," she wheezed, tears streaming down her cheeks. The young woman embraced Cyrdic. "Be strong, young one," one of the other prisoners next to her said. The two next to her looked almost as muscled as Cyrdic, with bushy beards and hard eyes. He knew a fellow veteran soldier when he saw one. They were about a decade older than he, with skin like leather. "Follow me," he told them. Cyrdic had almost believed this had gone without a hitch, before he heard a cry from the village. "Traitors! Men, the prisoners are escaping!" [hr] "Well long legs," Skaldi said nonchalantly to Camilla as he held Gilbrecht in one, muscled arm. "There's yer Manling." The Dawi nodded toward the shoreline, and 6 people ran straight for the shore as Cyrdic guarded their flanks, his broadsword flashing and blocking spear and cutlass thrusts from pursuing pirates. A gunshot went off, and one of the fleeing prisoners fell into the sand, dead. [@Penny]