[quote=@Lmpkio] Open up doors in what sense? The whole Nexus being a lie? (I can imagine being in his position he kinda knows what's going on, though his arrogance kinda still blinds him) [/quote] Fran being Fran you know, she'd like to have more opportunities to fuck with people, sexually speaking. Though I also hope to use this opportunity to develop Fran as more than just a walking smut joke and actually develop her in terms of personality and power. Show off her mentality and stuff. As far as actually fighting goes she doesn't care for the whole War of Three thing and, much like Krieg, may have an interest in guiding the war in a way that actually leads to peace, or at least an extended cease fire. That is to say, Fran wants to stop the fighting. So she may either join this other faction, whether it's a neutral, fourth, or whatever, or at least use this chance to really ask everyone do they need to fight each other. of course I doubt anyone would care for what a little whore has to say about anything, but that doesn't mean she'll be quiet. [quote=@TheWindel] If we want to be technical, that entire interaction should have happened before Helena's message. But posting prevented this from happening. Given that Eos wants these new suits trial and tested, I'm going to say the latter. [/quote] Find by me. Grafdakka needs time to be refitted with his new upgrades anyways.