[@Lmpkio] If it's any consolation, she'd certainly have words for Zeruel once they do meet and when Fran remembers who he is. As far as Fran cares, he's just another powerful tool used to perpetuate the constant state of war in the Nexus, and it's people like him who needs to be stopped or convinced to pursue peace if any faction hopes to actually "Win" these battles. Only Fran doesn't think her chances are well and generally just drowns herself in sin and debauchery. In a way, she's kinda like Miyu [@The 42nd Gecko]. Fran realizes the pointlessness of her existence and the reality they live in, and like a couple of nihilist they just mindlessly pursue paths and interest that are ultimately self-destructive and lack constructive purpose. Fran just takes to it more naturally because as a demon, she's already filled with negative emotions. It just hit Miyu harder because she had hope. But hey, maybe they could turn things around? Perhaps Krieg/Endian could give them new hope? As with everything, the only answer is to see when we get to that road.