I've been roleplaying for nearly ten years now and, while I have had a handful of 1x1 RPs, I've usually stuck to group settings. Now I'm in the mood for a change of pace, which brought me here. I'm looking for someone that's open to being long-term RP partners on a wide range of genres. I have a few preferences in regards to those that I roleplay with and if you think you'd be interested, comment on here or feel free to just send me a PM. My Preferences: [list] [*] Due to the language I sometimes use and occasional mature topics, you must be 18+ [*] I tend to write from the third person POV and I'd like it if you wrote from the same perspective [*] I understand having a busy schedule, but I ask that you're able to make at least one post every one or two days. If you have something coming up that will prevent you from doing so, just let me know. [*]I'm looking for an equal; I don't want to just be a GM. In other words, I want you to be comfortable sharing your ideas on plots, story arcs, and/or changes to make the RP better. [*]I'm open to having romantic relationships develop between characters, but I wouldn't want that to be the focus of the RP. [*] Speaking of romance, I don't care what gender you RP as, but I only write heterosexual male characters. In other words, if you want the possibility of a romance, plan on having female characters. [/list] If you think you'd be a good fit, just hit me up and we can discuss specific plots, but I included the genres I'm generally into in the tags of the post.