Unfortunately, I didn't get to finish the OOC today due to interuptions, but It's very close to done and I'll finish it after I've woken up... and re-read over it of course XD In the mean time! Here's a Character sheet if anyone feels like getting a head-start on putting theirs together! Feel free to add additional things to it if you feel it's relevant. Character Sheet! [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Apparent Age: Actual Age: Some of us are older than we look ;3 Former Species: Well... usually this is human, possibly augmented to some degree, but exceptions 'are' possible. Height: Weight: Appearance: You might not look this way anymore, but who knows, it might be relevant anyway! New Species: These should be obvious ;3 Height: Weight: Appearance: Personality: Location: Make something up xD just include at least a Cardinal direction and which district. Status: If relevant XD Secrets: Everybody's got em, I think it'd be an interesting addition if everyone had something that other players didn't get to know about them pre-emptively, and discover them as we progress. Assets: Usually referring to things your characters knows of in this world that could be useful, like stashes, locations of useful buildings like micro-factories, and so on. Possessions: This reffers to things your character is actually able to take 'with' them, since claiming to own things that you're not currently near won't work so well for a while ;3 Equipment: And this refers to things that your character can get unique use out of, special implants, weapons, armor, so on and so forth. Story: [/hider]