"We'll need to bank soon," Gilbrecht said, though his words were drowned out by the group talking among themselves. Cyrdic jested that they always seemed to end up into trouble (speaking to Camilla), and he nudged her with a smile that spoke volumes about how he appreciated having his ass saved. Skaldi seemed to mutter about how much he disliked boats, especially such a shoddily made one. True ships were made of steel. The rescued prisoners did their best not to wail when they weren't shivering.Gilbrecht tried to get others to listen, but they had none of it and kept chatting among themselves until Cyrdic ordered them with a prompt 'shut up,' using the tone of voice he often used when ordering men serving under him. He turned to the younger woman, and her two retainers. "Now, I don't mean to be too pushy. You're a brave girl for surviving what you have. All of you are-" he said, looking to the rescued people. "But tell us, who are you? Why do you have such capable men fighting under you?" The young girl seemed to sink into her seat, looking around as if she expected the pirates to appear out of the water. When she spoke, her North Middenland accent was clear. "I'm Jiselle Todbringer," she said. "My uncle is Boris Todbringer." That revelation brought a gasp from a few of the boat, and even the stoic Cyrdic look stunned. "T-The Graf of Middenland and Count of Middenheim?" he asked her. She nodded shyly, and continued. "Brom and Jory are my guards, and Swords of Ulric." She began to trail off, and one of the men spoke up. "We were visiting one of her aunts in Ostermark, and took the Talabec homeward until we were waylaid by river Orcs. We fought off the beasts, but we lost many and were ambushed by the brigands." He sounded more annoyed than terrified. The scarred soldier gave a look to Camilla, and then did the best bow he could in such tight and precarious quarters. "I am Reiner, and this is my friend, Vivvienne." He said, presenting Camilla by a gesture of his hand. "If it wasn't for her plans, I wouldn't have been able to rescue you and the others. The large one is Ivan, the boatman is Gilbrecht, and Skaldi is the Dwarf." "Worry not, little one." Skaldi said, patting Jiselle on her golden haired head. "Yer safe now. Grungi protects." [@Penny]